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Yury Markushin
What if there was a universal setup for White... ...that you could play against any Black's moves? How? You set the pawn triangle with c3-d4-e3.

Chess Tips, Articles and Guides to Help You Win Chess Games

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Nimzo Semi-Tarrasch Defense for Black
Yury Markushin
Nimzo Semi-Tarrasch Defense for Black combines the power of the Queen’s Gambit Declined and the attacking potential of Tarrash and Grunfeld.
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Win with Ponziani Opening
Yury Markushin
Learn GM Marian Petrov’s Ponziani Opening fundamentals in just 3 hours. Most chess players don’t even know this opening exists. It is extremely rare, yet powerful.
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Beat King's Indian Defense with Bayonet Attack
Yury Markushin
The great news is, IM Sieciechowicz is here with a quick-and-easy repertoire on the Bayonet Attack! And you are one click away from learning it!
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3 Problems Most Chess Players face just Starting Out
Yury Markushin
In this article we will focus on the most common problems that many chess players are facing when they start their chess journey. We won’t be focusing on the complete beginners who just learned how chess pieces move. But rather we will talk about what problems many improving players have. Let’s tackle them one-by-one.
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7 Tips to Cure Chess Blunders
Yury Markushin
You'd be surprised to know that the majority of amateur games end the way they do because of a blunder from one or another side. If your rating is below 2200, the chances are you are in the same boat. By simply reducing the number of blunders you can grow significantly as a chess player. In today's article, I will give you 7 easy to follow tips that will dramatically reduce your blunder rate.
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10 Chess Patterns Every Player Should Know
Yury Markushin
We always hear strong players talking about the importance of recognizing chess patterns. What do they mean by that? What are these magical chess patterns we need to know and recognize? If you’re confused don’t worry, after reading this article you won’t be. You will understand exactly what chess patterns are and will learn 10 very important chess patters that every chess player should know.
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