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WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos
WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos
WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Chess puzzles and their solving, seeing many instructive games, and learning typical ideas are very important in this game. As in any other sport, hard training is always the key to improving your level. If you want to become a better player, you need to get your chessboard out, set the pieces, and start training. […]

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos
WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos
WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Tactical Patterns: In order to get better at chess, one needs to build up and polish a number of skills. All of them are important, but tactics are probably something you can’t do without. No matter how good you get at strategic play, it can all go away with one bad move that overlooks a […]

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos
WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos
WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Queen’s Gambit and how to play against it. An easy guideline for club players against White’s most solid opening. Studying openings is a never-ending duty for the competitive chess player. Even when one has already decided on a repertoire, it is not unusual to develop an interest in learning new systems. Through the years I’ve […]