3 Best Games of the Week – 8

3 Best Games of the Week – 8

For this edition of the 3 best games, we have selected two games played in the strong Russian team championship and the surprise win of the Italian IM Nicola Altini over the top GM Maxime Vachier Lagrave.

The first game shows some very sharp play in the Adams Attack of the Najdorf Variation.

By bringing a novelty at move 9, Nepomniachtchi launched an early attack on the kingside. The game ends with a beautiful mating tactics that you can try solving yourself!



The second game transposed into a Benoni, where white played for the thematic central rupture e2-e3, which he managed by harmoniously regrouping his pieces. Black’s pieces were left uncoordinated and the strong center and the f file proved to be decisive. A beautiful execution by Kramnik, who recovers after a bad finish in Gashimov Memorial.

The last game of our selection started as a quiet line of the Gruenfeld Defense where black couldn’t find the right way to develop his pieces. White took full advantage of this and pushed for more space, correctly avoiding the trade of pieces. A nice win over one of the strongest players in the world!



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Updated 01.07.2024
