3 Club Players Games Annotated by IM Renier Castellanos

3 Club Players Games Annotated by IM Renier Castellanos

In today’s article we picked 3 of the games played by the club players and analyzed by IM Renier Castellanos. These games were submitted to us by players who signed up for our training course during the live lecture event. It is always interesting (and very educational indeed) to observe the difference in thinking and positional evaluation between professional chess players and those rated below 1800-2000. Enjoy!

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

Tip of the day:

Annotating and deeply analyzing your own games is a very important part of chess training. All players who want to improve their chess understanding should use this approach on regular basis. In our training course we show you exactly how it should be done, what do you need to look for in the games, and most importantly how to use this information to actually improve your chess.

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Updated 01.07.2024


very good article.Similar mistakes were there in my games too.This well annotated games helped me to correct my thinking during the game.Thank you very much to you and your team :-)
Michael J.:
Great, I will get one tonight as well. :-)
Hi Kenan, thanks for your interest. It is an instant download with an access to the member’s only training area which is an integrated part of the course. In other words,there is [b]no shipping[/b] involved.No, it is not just available for 21 days, you get permanent access to the training course.
Thank you very much for your articles. I really appreciate your effort that made me think seriously about your training program, but i have got two questions. I read that there is "shipping" so is the program on DVDs? (I would prefer to be downloadable) and if it is on your website is it only available for only 21 days?