10 Greatest Chess Sacrifices of All Time

10 Greatest Chess Sacrifices of All Time

Sacrifices are one of the most mysterious and at the same time the most exciting parts of chess.

What can be better than to sacrifice a queen and to finish the game with a well-calculated, yet very elegant mate in 5?

In today’s article, we will see some of the best sacrifices the world of chess has to offer.

Chess Sacrifice 1:

Chess Sacrifice 2:


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Chess Sacrifice 3:

Chess Sacrifice 4:

Chess Sacrifice 5:

Chess Sacrifice 6:

Chess Sacrifice 7:

Chess Sacrifice 8:

Chess Sacrifice 9:

Chess Sacrifice 10:

If you want to improve your chess level, you need to have a clear study plan. If you aim for a dramatic improvement at chess you need to work on all of the elements of the game in a systematic way:

  • tactics
  • positional play
  • attacking skills
  • endgame technique
  • classical games analysis
  • psychological preparation
  • and much more

That seems to be like a lot of things, and that is. But no worries, we have made it easy for you. Our comprehensive training course covers it all and much more. Sign up for 21 Day Training right now!

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Updated 08.31.2023
