Englund Gambit: Complete Chess Opening Guide

Englund Gambit: Complete Chess Opening Guide

Englund Gambit is one of the openings that can surprise and confound your opponent, leading to an exciting and rich position with lots of possibilities. If you want to add excitement and unpredictability to your games, the Englund Gambit can be a fun and effective option.

An often underlooked element in chess is creativity. The ability to play unconventional moves often disturbs the opponent and gains a psychological advantage, and sometimes the most unexpected moves can lead to the greatest victories.

In this article, we’ll explore the Englund Gambit, how to play it, how to face it on the board, and whether it’s a good opening choice for your game.

How to Play the Englund Gambit

The Englund Gambit is an aggressive opening that begins with the moves 1.d4 e5

Englund Gambit Complete Chess Opening Guide

It is not a frequent opening at any level of play. So what is the idea behind this aggressive move? In this gambit, black looks to trade material for a lead in development and open lines, which could lead to a direct attack against the white king.

Now the most common response by White is to accept the gambit. The only way to refute a gambit is to accept it. White can’t just give away the center for free.

Following the capture, Black usually follows up with rapid development advancing the knight to c6. Also, striking the pawn on e5. White can protect the pawn with 3.Nf3, but Black can continue to attack with Qe7.

If white captures the pawn on d6, black can proceed with 3…d6, attacking the pawn again and developing the bishop on f8.

How to Play It

From here, the game can take many different paths. But, the main idea behind the Englund Gambit is to use the lead in development and active pieces to create pressure on White’s position and force mistakes from your opponent.

Main Ideas Behind the Englund Gambit

The Englund gambit is an opening that is full of tactics and therefore requires creativity and quick thinking. The main ideas behind the opening are:

  • Lead in Development. By giving up a pawn, Black obtains a lead in development and can quickly bring their pieces into play. You should make sure to generate good play with the pieces you developed otherwise white will catch up in development.
  • Open Lines. The move …e5 opens up lines for Black’s pieces. Particularly the bishop on f8, which can be a powerful attacking piece in the right circumstances.
  • Pressure on Whites center. Black creates pressure on Whites’ position, forcing them to make difficult decisions early on. At the club player level, making your opponent make difficult decisions is a spot-on strategy to rack in points.

How to Beat this Opening

While this gambit can be a powerful weapon if played against an unsuspecting opponent, it does have weaknesses that can be exploited. The key to beating the Englund Gambit is to be patient and not be tempted by immediate material gain.

Let’s take a look at how to beat Englund:

As white grabs material early on. The focus should be on developing the pieces and controlling the center of the board, rather than trying to hold onto the extra pawn at any cost. If White can maintain a strong position and force Black to make mistakes, they can gain a significant advantage.

In the end, the main idea is to transform your material advantage into better control of the center. You should also subsequently scatter black pieces. You can play for the initiative from this point onwards.

Is the Englund Gambit a Good Opening?

The Englund Gambit is a risky opening that can lead to both great successes and devastating losses. While it may not be the best choice for all players, it can be a good option if you enjoy tactical play and are willing to take risks.

Players who prefer more solid, positional play may not be as comfortable with the Englund Gambit. It’s because it requires a willingness to sacrifice material and play aggressively. However, if you are one of those who enjoy the thrill of the attack and the challenge of out-calculating your opponents in tactical positions, the Englund Gambit can be a fun and effective choice.

Strongest Players That Play this Opening

The Englund Gambit is not a common opening at the highest levels of play.

But, there are some strong players who have used it with success. Notable players who have played the Englund Gambit include:

  • Michal Konopka
  • Maxim Chetverik
  • Frequent players at just below the International Master level: Vovk Orest (Elo 2315) and Boyer Mahal (Elo 2333).

While these players have had success with the Englund Gambit, it’s important to note that it’s not a commonly used opening at the highest levels of play.

You also might like 10 Best Chess Games on Queen’s Gambit, 10 Reasons to Play the King’s Gambit as well as 10 Best Games on King’s Gambit.


The Englund Gambit is an aggressive and creative opening that can surprise your opponent. Therefore, it is a very good opening to have for Rapid and Blitz play. While it may not be the best choice for all players, it can be a strong option for those who enjoy tactical play and are willing to take risks.

Whether you’re a fan of the opening or not, there’s no denying that the Englund Gambit can lead to some exciting and unpredictable games.

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Updated 12.21.2023


How come there is no courses on this opening?