Chess Tactics: Study 2 – Mate in 2

Chess Tactics: Study 2 – Mate in 2

This is continuation of the previous week’s tactical studies. Here are another 7 very difficult mate in 2 problems. You can approach them in two different ways. First, you should try to analyze the position before struggling to find the right moves. In this type of problems each piece is usually does a specific job and if you find this job, your problem is almost solved. So, first approach is to try to solve them on the diagram without shuffling the pieces on the chess board. If you find that quite difficult, only then you should go ahead and use the board (second approach). Visualization is the key. In each problemGood luck.

Diagram on the left: I have decided to put an actual problem (I. Shel “De Maasbode”. White to mave and mate in 2) due to the confusion caused by the previous’ week position, which was there just for demonstration purposes.

#1 N. van Dick “E. W. W. Wedstrijd”. White to move and mate in 2.

chess puzzles


#2 L. Cubbel “Special Collection”. White to move and mate in 2.

chess study


#3 A. Gulyaev “Special Collection”. White to move and mate in 2.

chess problem


#4 L. Cubbel “Special Collection”. White to move and mate in 2.

chess puzzles


#5 L. Cubbel “Special Collection”. White to move and mate in 2.

chess tactics


#6 K. Voityla “The Problemist”. White to move and mate in 2.

chess tactics


#7 V. Moikin “USSR Chess”. White to move and mate in 2.

chess puzzles


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Updated 04.08.2023


p#3 very easy Qf1 second move is mate
Sorry for the delay! Solutions have been posted, it's a link below the last problem. How is you progress?
I need a solution for puzzle3 PLEASE! :-)
Tell you a secret, the hardest one I have is mate in 12 (!). This is untypical, usually it doesn't get longer than mate in 4-5.
No, just wondering
Good job! I will post the answers at the end of the week. Come and check :)
You mean problems to find mate in 3? Yes. But later. These are too easy for you? :)
Will there be a "mate in 3"?
First one is Rf2. He has to take the queen and then you can play Ke2 mate. Let's look at the rest :-)
You're always welcome my friend. You had any luck solving it? ;-)
Jagdish Dube:
Thank You.!