Endgame Studies # 6

Category: Problems

Vitaly Kovalenko (1947-2014) is no more. The eminent Russian composer had a massive heart attack that turned fatal. In his chequered career the veteran composed more than 560 studies with a number of prizes to his credit. In later years he served as a judge in composing competitions. This was not without controversy. On one occasion his verdict was disputed by a participant who received the least number of points for his studies. He was supported by his federation and also some fellow-composers. However, his claim was not accepted (pdf). It’s hard to know who was right.

Be that as it may Kovalenko set himself high standards as a composer. He also collaborated with other chess artists. The following joint effort makes a stunning impression.

Yury Bazlov and Vitaly Kovalenko,


First Prize, Uralski Problemist, 1993-6

endgame 6

White to move

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Updated 12.26.2023


Dear reader,You are almost there.Numbering the moves helps.1.Nh7 Ke82.Nf6+ gxf63.Rc2 Kf84.Rc8+ Kg75.Rg8+ Kh86.Ng4 Qf7+Here 7. Kd4 is a typo.What you mean is 7.Kd6.Then Black has one last fling with 7…Qxa2.It’s easy now for everyone.
i found the solution it's Nh7 . ke8Nf6+ . gxf6Rc2 . Kf8Rc8+ . Kg7Rg8+ . Kh8Ng4 . Qf7+and here whit can't take the Queen cuz it drives to a stalemate so it's kd4 . Kxg8Nh6+ wins a Queen
Dear Alberto,So you know.Thanks for keeping it a secret.It is possible to find the solution without Fritz.A little imagination, calculation and patience may be necessary.We shall put up the solution once everyone has tried.
Dear friends,Glad to see your interest in this endgame study.The preliminary try is not bad.But it does not get enough.1.Kd7 gxh62.Nh7+ Kg73.Re7+Kh84.f6 Qf5+There is only draw for White.Can he win?
I have resolved, but only with the computer, then not say it. Without software it is really difficult, perhaps impossible find the solution.
Kd7 gxh6Nh7+ Kg7 if king goes g8 or f7 its a pin by knightRe7+ Kg8Nf6 white wins after knight pinKd7 Qxg5Re8 mateKd7 Qxe2Nf6+ white wins
Kd7 Qxe2Ne6+ Qxe6 white wins because there is no escape for black king after Knight e6 and black queen must take the rook and pawn in a square is promoted.
Chess Player:
If Kd7, then, gxh6 and draw!
Miguel Herrada:
Kd7!!! :)
ahmed agami: