
Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Endgame combinations, and what’s more the greatest ones, are going to be talked about in today’s article. Those combinations are played by some of the finest chess players like Kasparov, Fischer, Alekhine, Karpov, Euwe, etc. These combinations are simply brilliant and if you understand the motifs and ideas you will be able to increase your […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Endgames are missed among typical players which usually start their chess journey by studying openings, solving tactics, and playing as many games as they possibly can. Do you see what’s wrong with this approach? These players are missing out on a huge part of chess, namely the endgames. That is the part of the game […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Endgame Mistakes understanding, and what’s more a deep one, is something that especially separates masters from amateur players. Surprisingly, the majority of chess players do not pay enough attention to this very important part of the game and concentrate on other aspects of chess. Number one chess player and World Champion Magnus Carlsen attributes a […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Many chess players focus their attention primarily on the opening and the middlegame. Little do they know, that endgame is something that can bring their chess to the next level. Because the endgame involves far fewer pieces than the opening or the middlegame, it is a phase of the game that can be mastered by […]

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

One of the very important elements of the strategic play is understanding the basic pawn structures and the plans that can be used in each type of position. Having previously discussed most of the pawn formations that can appear during a game, we are now moving on to another concept – the backward pawn.  

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Queen and Knight vs Queen and Bishop: It is a well-known concept that the queen and knight team works better than the queen and bishop. All the experienced and strong players are well aware of this strategic nuance. However, at a lower level, even though this concept is told several times, the less experienced players […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

As Philidor stated, “pawns are the soul of chess”. In this article, we will explore the most fundamental pawn structures and learn about their properties. A deep understanding of pawn structures is something that separates masters from amateurs. Go through each of the positions one by one, and you will be able to identify them […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Scattered Pawns will be our focus this time. They occur in chess games of players of any level from 500 to 2900 Elo. Also, we will continue our discussion of common pawn structures. Previously we have covered the following pawn formations: the pawn triangle and the protected passed pawn.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

King and pawn endgames and their 3 very important positions will be explored in today’s article by WGM Meenakshi Subbaraman. In order to win or draw these positions you need to have a high level of chess creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. You will learn that often in pawn endgames the most logical move is, in […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Protected passed pawn is one of the strongest structures in the pawn endgame. Not only does it threaten promotion but also it cannot be captured by the opponent’s king since it is protected by another pawn. Protected passer gives a huge positional advantage in the king and pawn endgame, because it restricts the opponent king’s […]