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Alexei Shirov and World-Class Tactics

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Alexei Shirov and World-Class Tactics
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In this World-Class Tactics edition of the Grandmaster Magazine, we look at some of the finest chess tactics and combination play from the elite level, dissecting them to find out how they work and how we can find them in our own games.

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Grandmaster Magazine #5

This World-Class Tactics edition of the Grandmaster Magazine, we look at some of the finest chess tactics and combination play from the elite level, dissecting them to find out how they work and how we can find them in our own games.

Amongst the master tacticians are Garry Kasparov, Vassily Ivanchuk, and Vishy Anand plus we see one of the most unusual – and now famous – ideas of all time, the legendary King walk played by Nigel Short.

Alexei Shirov and World-Class Tactics edition also includes a great coaching session with GM Peter Wells on the tricky skill of assessment and evaluation of chess positions. It doesn’t matter how good your analysis is if you are unable to accurately assess the final position and Wells addresses this topic using examples from Grandmaster’s play. All players will benefit from this lesson.

Finally, we hear from the rising start of Alexei Shirov. Once a member of the Botvinnik-Kasparov school of chess, Shirov reveals the secrets of the Russian training methods and his opinion of both Botvinnik and Kasparov in a fascinating interview.