Ideas Behind the Bogo-Indian – GM Eugene Perelshteyn

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Ideas Behind the Bogo-Indian – GM Eugene Perelshteyn
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The Bogo-Indian Defense is a chess opening characterized by the moves: 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 Bb4. The position arising after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 is common. The traditional move for White here is 3.Nc3, threatening to set up a big pawn center with 4.e4. However, 3.Nf3 is often played instead as a way of avoiding the Nimzo-Indian Defense (which would follow after 3.Nc3 Bb4).

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Ideas Behind the Bogo-Indian

The Bogo-Indian Defense is a chess opening characterized by the moves: 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 Bb4

The position arising after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 is common. The traditional move for White here is 3.Nc3, threatening to set up a big pawn center with 4.e4. However, 3.Nf3 is often played instead as a way of avoiding the Nimzo-Indian Defense (which would follow after 3.Nc3 Bb4). After 3.Nf3, Black usually plays 3…b6 (the Queen’s Indian Defense) or 3…d5 (leading to the Queen’s Gambit Declined), but can instead play 3…Bb4, the Bogo-Indian, named after Efim Bogoljubov. This opening is not as popular as the Queen’s Indian but is seen occasionally at all levels.

Content: 62 Minutes of chess theory and discussion, with example games, in 3 lectures.

Includes: ECO: E11

Recommended for: Intermediate Players.

Users rated this series: 4.02 out of 5

Chess Fans have said: Excellent lecture with great detail with all the main lines and sidelines.

GM Eugene Perelshteyn earned his third GM norm after sharing first place in the 2006 Foxwoods Open, giving him the official GM title. He won the Samford Chess Fellowship in 2002, an award that amounts to $64,000, which is awarded to the top American player under 25 years old. Eugene also led the University of Maryland, Baltimore County to several Pan American championships from 1998-2002. Eugene also won the highly prestigious US Junior Championship in 2000. Eugene recently co-authored the books Chess Openings for Black, Explained and Chess Openings for White, Explained.


  • Ideas Behind the Bogo-Indian: Part I
    Run Time: 00:24:51
  • Ideas Behind the Bogo-Indian: Part II
    Run Time: 00:19:17
  • Ideas Behind the Bogo-Indian: Part III
    Run Time: 00:18:22