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Understanding and Exploiting Weak Squares with GM Niclas Huschenbeth

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Understanding and Exploiting Weak Squares with GM Niclas Huschenbeth
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In chess, there are certain strategic concepts that every player must learn and thoroughly understand. These concepts are very important because they occur over and over again, in every game you play. Without a solid strategic understanding, you may find yourself completely lost in the position. Thousands of ways to proceed... but how do you which move to play?

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Understanding and Exploiting Weak Squares

In chess, there are certain strategic concepts that every player must learn and thoroughly understand. These concepts are very important because they occur over and over again, in every game you play.

Without a solid strategic understanding, you may find yourself completely lost in the position. Thousands of ways to proceed… but how do you which move to play?

In this 4-hour course, we are covering one of these essential strategic concepts – WEAKNESSES.

Here are some of the things you’ll learn:

  • What are the weaknesses and how to identify them?
  • How to create weaknesses in your opponent’s position and how to exploit them – the Grandmasters’ approach
  • How to use weak squares for developing a devastating attack against your opponent’s king?
  • How to avoid weaknesses in your own position and how to eliminate them?
  • And much more!

GM Huschenbeth has recorded all his lessons exactly how you love them! We use the pause technique and our signature interactive way of learning.

Not only will you understand and recognize the weak squares, but you will learn how to create weak squares in your opponent’s camp and how to exploit them!

Mastering this positional concept is extremely important. If your rating is between 1200-2300 this course will work perfectly well for you. But even for higher rated players, there is plenty to be discovered!

It is achieved by researching new material that hasn’t been analyzed before and delivering it on a high level with detailed explanations so that lower-rated players can understand it as well. In this course all positions are unique and I guarantee you that you haven’t studied anything close to it.

Course outline:

  • LESSON 1 What Are Weak Squares
  • LESSON 2 Fixing and Exploiting Weak Squares
  • LESSON 3 Trading Defenders of Weak Squares
  • LESSON 4 Using Weak Squares for a Mating Attack
  • LESSON 5 Exploiting Weak Square Complexes
  • LESSON 6 Creating Weaknesses with Positional Sacrifice
  • LESSON 7 Exploiting Weaknesses on Both Sides of the Board
  • LESSON 8 Avoiding and Getting Rid of a Weak Square

GM Niclas Huschenbeth (2404 ELO)

Niclas Huschenbeth is a young and talented German chess grandmaster. Huschenbeth obtained his grandmaster title at the start of 2012. He has played both sides of the Najdorf for many years. When asked what his favorite openings are for White and Black, he simply responded, “The Najdorf!”