Endgame for Club Players Vol.2 with IM Mat Kolosowski [TCW Academy]

Endgame for Club Players Vol.2 with IM Mat Kolosowski [TCW Academy]

If you think simple rook or king + pawn endings are all there is to learn when it comes to chess endgames…

You are WRONG!

Endgames are the most technical phase of the game. Where the first move might give you an advantage, the second one might be neutral, and the third one might make you lose the game.

You have to evaluate the position. You have to calculate the right alternatives. You have to choose the RIGHT move on every move in the endgame.

Want to know how to play the Lucena position where your opponent has the extra pawn?

Which king move is the correct one to escape checkmates in the Philidor position?

How to convert a bishop + pawn against a lone king and not just dilly-dally around to a draw?

This is what you will learn in the second part of the popular Endgame for Club Players series by IM Mat Kolosowski. It’s a 3-hour advanced video training on how to tackle chess endgames, especially beyond the 1800 rating level.

Here is what’s inside:

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Updated 02.02.2024
