Chess Affiliate Program

Are You Passionate About Chess and Interested in Earning Money From Your Hobby?

Follow these easy steps:

1. Join Our Affiliate Program

Joining is straightforward and free, requiring less than a minute to sign up.

2. Share Your Affiliate Link

Let the world know about us. You’ll earn a 30% commission for each purchase made through your link.

3. Receive Your Earnings

Payments are made monthly for the earnings of the preceding month via PayPal, with a $100 minimum payout threshold.

Promotion Strategies for Your Chess Affiliate Link:

You don’t need to be a tech wizard or spend money to promote your link effectively:

  • Utilize popular social media platforms such as Facebook, X, TikTok, and Instagram to share your link.
  • Create and post chess-related educational videos on YouTube, including your affiliate link in the video description.
  • Write informative chess articles or blog posts and embed your affiliate link.
  • Email your contacts, especially those interested in chess, about the available course.
  • Launch a blog and feature your affiliate link or display a promotional banner.

How Much Can You Earn Promoting Chess?*

Consider this scenario: dedicating 2-3 hours daily to link promotion could net you $179/day (assuming 3 Yearly membership signups per day) with our generous 30% commission rate. This effort could lead to a monthly income of $3500 if you work five days a week.

Even with minimal success, a few sales a week could still mean around $1000 extra in your pocket each month!

What’s even better?

The affiliate program is currently open to promote TCW Academy (you can learn more about TCW Academy and see which courses are available to members), which is our premium chess video subscription service.

This means you will get a recurring 30% revenue from each paying customer you refer through your special link.

*Please note: chess earnings are estimates and not guarantees. This is just an example to demonstrate a possible scenario. Your chess earnings potential depends on your promotional efforts and ability to draw in buyers.

Fair Chess Play Guidelines:

To ensure integrity and fairness, the following practices are prohibited:

  • Spamming via emails, social networks, forums, etc.
  • Deceiving customers in any manner
  • Generating fake sign-ups
  • Buying products through your own affiliate links is not allowed. Engaging in this practice will result in your account being blocked and permanently banned from the website. Additionally, any funds associated with these purchases will not be refunded or paid out

What are you waiting for?

Here is your special link to join the chess affiliate program!

Questions? Feel free to reach out here.