Center Game:
Attacking System for White

with FM Milan Popovic
60% Off
60% Off

FM Milan Popovic reveals…

What if you could learn one simple opening system…

That doesn’t require much theory…

Yet scores over 70% with White?

FM Milan Popovic was in the same boat.

He could spend a zillion hours on openings like everyone else…

Instead, he went with the Center Game, an under-the-radar opening that most under 2300 have no idea how to handle.

Thanks to this opening, Milan has racked up a 70% win rate in classical chess and a whopping 77% online (with over 60 wins).

FM Milan Popovic squeezed in some time between beating the top 10 players in blitz & bullet and sweeping OTB tournaments to put together an easy-to-digest 7.5-hour training on the Center Game.

Here’s what you are going to learn:

These are just a few things you’ll learn from this course.

FM Popovic is fully committed to giving you a complete opening system. That’s why, in addition to the opening videos, he’s also included:

Master this opening, and you could really quadruple your chances of winning with White.

Today $39 Regular Price $99
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Center Game:
Attacking System for White

Video Course + PGNs + Practicum

Center Game: Attacking System for White - video course [7 hours 35 mins]

FM Milan Popovic squeezed in some time between beating the top 10 players in blitz & bullet and sweeping OTB tournaments to put together an easy-to-digest 7.5-hour training on the Center Game.

Complete set of PGNs

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important attacking motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

Today $39 Regular Price $99
Meet The Author

FM Milan Popovic [2393 FIDE]

is a FIDE Master from Serbia, boasting two IM norms. Not only is he an active competitor on the tournament scene, but he also coaches chess, helping players enhance their skills. Milan is passionate about blitz and bullet chess, with an online rating exceeding 3100. In online play, he’s faced off against numerous top 10 players and has notched some notable wins, including several against Magnus Carlsen. Beyond the chessboard, Milan holds a bachelor’s degree in gastronomy.

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