Middlegame Mastery:
Decision Making

with GM Damian Lemos
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GM Damian Lemos reveals…

There are two main types of decisions in chess.

First, the major ones – like castling, trading pieces, and modifying your pawn structure.

Mess these up, and you’re setting yourself up for failure. Why? You can’t just undo a castle or bring back traded pieces.

Then there are the smaller ones, like relocating your pieces or making prophylactic moves.

Slip up here, and your position will start degrading, move by move (Ouch!)

Imagine getting the major decisions right, and setting the right course for the game.

And then, with every move, you keep improving your position by nailing those smaller decisions!

GM Lemos is here to help you with this.

Damian builds on the experience of the world’s top players… Tal, Kasparov, Carlsen… and develops a thinking method to help you make the best decisions over the board.

Here’s what you are going to learn:

This is just a few of a dozen of very important concepts you’ll learn in this course.

Master those, and decision-making will become second nature to you.

You’ll learn to make both major and tiny decisions, taking control of the game and gradually improving your position until you win the game.

Today $39 Regular Price $99
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Middlegame Mastery:
Decision Making

Video Course + PGNs + Practicum

Middlegame Mastery: Decision Making - video course [6 hours 12 mins]

GM Damian Lemos builds on the experience of the world's top players... Tal, Kasparov, Carlsen... and develops a thinking method to help you make the best decisions over the board.

Complete set of PGNs

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important attacking motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

Today $39 Regular Price $99
Meet The Author

GM Damian Lemos [2559 FIDE]

GM Lemos is an Argentine chess Grandmaster and a renowned chess coach. He achieved the title of International Master at the age of 15, and Grandmaster at the age of 19. He has won several national and international chess tournaments, including the Argentine Championship in 2014 and the Brazilian Open in 2015. GM Damian Lemos is also a highly respected chess coach. He has taught thousands of students worldwide through online chess courses and YouTube videos. Today, Lemos is considered one of the top chess coaches and continues to share his knowledge and expertise with chess players of all levels.

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