Win with O'Kelly Sicilian

with FM Zaur Tekeyev
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FM Zaur Tekeyev reveals…

Want to get all the benefits of playing the Sicilian Defence, but don’t have hundreds of hours to spare on preparing Najdorf or Dragon?

I get it.

We all have busy lives, and simply can’t devote 1/3 of our daytime on opening preparation (at least I can’t).

What if you could spend just 4 hours learning a ‘very special’ line of Sicilian that you can play for years to come?

What if I tell you that line is low theory AND statistically better for Black compared to renowned Najdorf and Dragon?

FM Zaur Tekeyev recommends the O’Kelly Sicilian.

It is a practical opening that works great against anyone from 1200 to 2400 FIDE.

And don’t take my word for it. FM Tekeyev [2409 FIDE] has tested and proved the suggested lines and variations to be very effective against opponents in this Elo range.

Here is what you’ll learn:

Whether you are totally new to Sicilian Defense or a seasoned Sicilian expert, the O’Kelly is a great practical addition to your opening repertoire.

Use it as a secret weapon, or the main opening against 1.e4, you’ll score many unexpected wins with Black pieces.

Today $19 Regular Price $49
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Win with O'Kelly Sicilian

Video Course + PGNs + Practicum

Win with O'Kelly Sicilian - video course [3 hours 27 mins]

FM Zaur Tekeyev recommends the O'Kelly Sicilian. It is a practical opening that works great against anyone from 1200 to 2400 FIDE. FM Tekeyev [2409 FIDE] has tested and proved the suggested lines and variations to be very effective against opponents in this Elo range.

Complete set of PGNs

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important attacking motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. Practical part is an important element of the course.

Today $19 Regular Price $49
Meet The Author

FM Zaur Tekeyev [FIDE 2409]

is a FIDE Master with one International Master norm. Zaur has been coaching chess players of different ages and levels for many years. As a player, he has won multiple tournaments, one of the best results being 1st place in the Russian National Students’ Chess League Championship (Moscow Open, 2017). Zaur is also a big online blitz player, with an online rating of over 2800.

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