Center Game: Attacking System for White with FM Milan Popovic

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Center Game: Attacking System for White with FM Milan Popovic
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FM Milan Popovic squeezed in some time between beating the top 10 players in blitz & bullet and sweeping OTB tournaments to put together an easy-to-digest 7.5-hour training on the Center Game.

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Product Description

What if you could learn one simple opening system…

That doesn’t require much theory…

Yet scores over 70% with White?

FM Milan Popovic was in the same boat.

He could spend a zillion hours on openings like everyone else…

Instead, he went with the Center Game, an under-the-radar opening that most under 2300 have no idea how to handle.

Thanks to this opening, Milan has racked up a 70% win rate in classical chess and a whopping 77% online (with over 60 wins).

FM Milan Popovic squeezed in some time between beating the top 10 players in blitz & bullet and sweeping OTB tournaments to put together an easy-to-digest 7.5-hour training on the Center Game.

Here is what you’ll learn:

  • Blueprint for handling the ‘garbage moves’ when Black tries everything possible to avoid the Center Game (if you are under 2000, this will be your bread & butter)
  • A powerful strategy for steering the game into a Center Game setup no matter what moves Black makes
  • Complete algorithm to launching an unstoppable king’s side attack that leads to either heavy material loss for Black or Checkmate
  • The mindmap that helps you make the best exchanges while automatically positioning your pieces for an attack
  • Full guide to Center Game pawn structures allowing to take advantage of Blacks pawn chain weaknesses
  • Library or attacking plans & ideas, where you can mix things up and always find a fresh way of getting that ‘1-0’
  • The Antidote for all the popular Black setups; just plug these ideas into your games and get an instant advantage

These are just a few things you’ll learn from this course.

FM Popovic is fully committed to giving you a complete opening system. That’s why, in addition to the opening videos, he’s also included:

  • A fully annotated PGN vault loaded with novelties, attacking & middlegame ideas
  • A quick and easy video summary of the repertoire
  • Model Games Chapter to really cement the ideas
  • Plus, there’s an “Applying the Theory” section where FM Popovic uses this opening against various opponents at different skill levels

Master this opening, and you could really quadruple your chances of winning with White.


Chapter 1 2nd Move Sidelines
Chapter 2 2nd Move d6, Philidor
Chapter 3 Sidelines on 3rd Move
Chapter 4 Sidelines after 4.Qe3
Chapter 5 Mainline 4…d6, 4…Bb4
Chapter 6 Mainline 4…g6 – Fianchetto Lines
Chapter 7 5th Move Sidelines
Chapter 8 7th Move Sidelines
Chapter 9 The Main Line 8th Sidelines
Chapter 10 Main Line 8.Qf4-Bxc3 9.Rxe4
Chapter 11 Main Line 8.Qf4-Bxc3 9.Nxe4 d6
Chapter 12 Model Games
Chapter 13 Summary Of The Repertoire
Chapter 14 The Simul – Center Game in Practice

About the Author:

FM Milan Popovic [2393 FIDE] 

is a FIDE Master from Serbia, boasting two IM norms. Not only is he an active competitor on the tournament scene, but he also coaches chess, helping players enhance their skills. Milan is passionate about blitz and bullet chess, with an online rating exceeding 3100. In online play, he’s faced off against numerous top 10 players and has notched some notable wins, including several against Magnus Carlsen. Beyond the chessboard, Milan holds a bachelor’s degree in gastronomy.