Endgame for Club Players Vol. 2 with IM Mat Kolosowski

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Endgame for Club Players Vol. 2 with IM Mat Kolosowski
1 Review(s) (5.00)

The second part of the popular Endgame for Club Players series by IM Mat Kolosowski. It’s a 3-hour advanced video training on how to tackle chess endgames, especially beyond the 1800 rating level.

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Product Description

If you think simple rook or king + pawn endings are all there is to learn when it comes to chess endgames…

You are WRONG!

Endgames are the most technical phase of the game. Where the first move might give you an advantage, the second one might be neutral, and the third one might make you lose the game.

You have to evaluate the position. You have to calculate the right alternatives. You have to choose the RIGHT move on every move in the endgame.

Want to know how to play the Lucena position where your opponent has the extra pawn?

Which king move is the correct one to escape checkmates in the Philidor position?

How to convert a bishop + pawn against a lone king and not just dilly-dally around to a draw?

This is what you will learn in the second part of the popular Endgame for Club Players series by IM Mat Kolosowski. It’s a 3-hour advanced video training on how to tackle chess endgames, especially beyond the 1800 rating level.

Is this course for you?

Two things to note.

One, do you think you need to up your endgame skills?

Two, did you study the 1st part of the Endgame for Club Players series?

The answer to the first question depends on you. Imagine you are in the finals of your next tournament. You played well from the beginning. So did your opponent. The opening…then the middlegame…and now the endgame. Everyone is watching intently on your next move. Are you sure you can win this?

If you said yes, good for you. You don’t need this course.

If not, you definitely need this.

Regarding the second question, this is a standalone course. That means you can go for it even if you have not taken the first part of the series.

That said, it is better to get your fundamentals in place before you go into more advanced training like this one.

What you will learn:

  • Lucena trap. Yeah, the enemy rook seems to be dancing around—giving your king a really hard time. Don’t want to lose your precious pawn? Let Kolosowski show you how it’s done.
  • Vancura domination. Your opponent has got an extra pawn. Worse yet, his king is ahead of the pawn… and your king behind. Can you stop it? Guess what, you can. (More in Chapter 7)
  • Philidor playoff. Not the easiest endgame positions to play, especially when your opponent is racing ahead with his pawn… and his king is safely tucked behind his pawn. Hint: get your rook behind the pawn, and your king super active.
  • Knight vs rook pawns. The closer the pawn gets to the edge of the board, the harder it gets to stop them. What if the enemy knight threatens capture though? Get ready to sacrifice a piece!
  • Rook harassment. Don’t let that rook settle on a file. Harass it with your king. And pushing the pawn ahead in the Frontal Attack. The idea is to restrain the enemy king and rook to the final rank, with fewer and fewer options left.

About The Author

IM Mat Kolosowski (FIDE 2451)

Mat Kołosowski is an International Master from Poland. He is a multiple Polish youth championship medalists. In 2010 he took 5th place in European U-18 Championship. During the course of his chess career Mat won many international tournaments. Apart from being a player he is also a chess coach who has experience in working with students from more than 20 countries.