Evaluation of Position with IM Mat Kolosowski

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Evaluation of Position with IM Mat Kolosowski
1 Review(s) (5.00)

Starting from king safety to piece activity to much more, IM Kolosowski handholds you through the various aspects of the position, one by one, in an easy-to-understand manner.

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Product Description

Yes, choosing the right candidate move can make or break your position… true that.

But what’s even more important?

That’s right—evaluation of the current position.

Who stands better – you or your opponent?

Where do your strengths and weaknesses lie? Any threats? Both for you and your opponent?

Is your king safe? Which pieces are most active?

A thousand questions need to be answered before you can start looking for your next move.

The GM understands these very concepts at a much deeper level—and that’s what this course does for you.

It teaches you the art of accurate evaluation of positions like a grandmaster does… not simply memorizing this and that but going far beyond that.

Starting from king safety to piece activity to much more, IM Kolosowski handholds you through the various aspects of the position, one by one, in an easy-to-understand manner.

What you will learn:

  • Pawns or without pawns. More spatial control does not always mean more pawn development. It might also be because of a monster fianchetto bishop on a long diagonal, like in the diagram on the right.
  • Minor pieces on steroids! Matt teaches you the art of seamless development of pieces on the most active squares where force x time is MAXIMUM. In short, the stronger and faster your pieces are, the better…
  • Isolated pawn strategy. When you got an isolated pawn, what should you do? Matt suggests two options, viz. simplify to endgame or exchange the pawn. An isolated pawn is a weakness unless turned into a strength.
  • Materialistic-positional tradeoff. Instead of counting material, it’s better to look at the positional opportunities available. Like Petrosian did against Gipslis where his opponent ended up with an isolated pawn and Petrosian with a killer attack.
  • Uncastled king, not unsafe always. There is an exception to every rule—and this is one. Just because you tucked your king away does not mean it is safe. Matt demonstrates the concept through one of his own games…

IM Mat Kolosowski (FIDE 2451)

Mat Kołosowski is an International Master from Poland. He is a multiple Polish youth championship medalist. In 2010 he took 5th place in European U-18 Championship. During the course of his chess career Mat won many international tournaments. Apart from being a player he is also a chess coach who has experience in working with students from more than 20 countries.