Learn from Vishy Anand with GM Marian Petrov

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Learn from Vishy Anand with GM Marian Petrov
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GM Marian Petrov has brand-new training for you, Learn from Vishy Anand. Broken down to 15 chapters, Petrov goes over Anand’s wins over the legends, positional chess versus the top players, his mastery over the Sicilian, his long battles with Kasparov, and much more.

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Product Description

He won the Chess Oscar six times.

He won the World Chess Champion title five times.

He is the first Indian Grandmaster.

He has crazy rapid playing speed (called the Lightning Kid).

And he is considered one of the best attacking players of all time.

If you could not guess by now, I am talking about…

(Drumroll please)

Vishwanathan Anand.

You know who he is – “one of the greatest in the whole history of chess” as per Kramnik.

What if you could get the chance to study his playing style (along with his best games) in 10.5 hours with another seasoned grandmaster and chess coach?

GM Marian Petrov has brand-new training for you, Learn from Vishy Anand.

Broken down to 15 chapters, Petrov goes over Anand’s wins over the legends, positional chess versus the top players, his mastery over the Sicilian, his long battles with Kasparov, and much more.

This exclusive training is for anyone who is in the attacking vs positional dilemma and wants to know how they can merge these two into a powerful chess play. (Learn from Anand on how it’s done!)

Here’s what you are going to learn:

  • A fork on the knight and the bishop. A tremendous blow to Black, right? Anand shows you when your opponent is busy grabby your material, why you should focus on the jugular instead. Black’s dark-square bishop quickly goes over to the h4 square. Then the Black queen goes to the g6. Can you see how it played out? If not, let Petrov show you. It’s a beauty.

Learn from Vishy Anand

  • Ratings lie. One of the players was 2300-ish rated and another one was 2500+. Can you guess who? If you said Anand was the higher-rated one, you are WRONG! Anand as White pushed his g-pawn forward. So what? Black simply captures it back with the h-pawn. Not so fast. The White rook lands itself directly in front of the Black and then… a timely sacrifice. Yes, that’s a 2300-rated player for you.

Learn from Vishy Anand

  • What does White do next? Let this be a puzzle for you. This game was played between Anand and Mamedyarov in Wijk aan Zee 2019. Black played 27…Rbe4. Simple stuff… or is it? FYI White wins in the next two moves. Take your time and find out how. Or you can also check the video where Petrov covers this game for you. Learn how to see invisible tactics in winning positions.

Learn from Vishy Anand

I probably don’t have to convince you much at this point about how invaluable the training is for you.


Chapter 1. First Win over 2500 and 2600
Chapter 2. Outplaying the Legends
Chapter 3. Taking on the World Champions
Chapter 4. Positional Chess vs. Top Players
Chapter 5. Beating Karpov
Chapter 6. Winning against Garry Kasparov
Chapter 7. Candidates vs. Karpov
Chapter 8. Defeating Korchnoi
Chapter 9. The King of Sicilian
Chapter 10. Battling Garry Kasparov
Chapter 11. First World Championship Title
Chapter 12. Beautiful Wins
Chapter 13. Taking on Kramnik and Topalov
Chapter 14. Defending the Title
Chapter 15. Losing to Carlsen

About the Author:

GM Marian Petrov [FIDE 2537]

is an accomplished professional chess coach, theorist, and Bulgarian champion in 2002 and 2017, as well as the winner of many open tournaments around the world. Also, a FIDE trainer and coach of the team Wales at the last Olympiad in Baku in 2016. He graduated from the National Sports Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria with a Bachelor’s degree in Chess Pedagogy, a four-year undergraduate program designed to prepare top-level chess trainers.