Modern Defense Lemos Formula with GM Damian Lemos

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Modern Defense Lemos Formula with GM Damian Lemos
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GM Damian Lemos recommends Modern Defense to all of his top students. The idea is dead simple. You fianchetto your bishop and use one of the Lemos Formula plans to dismantle the center or checkmate the king.

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Product Description

There are two types of chess players out there…

Most play by the rules.

They memorize the theory, fight for the center, and react to the opponent’s moves.

And there are the ‘rulebreakers’.

They skip the theory, give up the center, and dictate the flow of the game.

GM Damian Lemos is clearly the second type.

And he recommends Modern Defense to all of his top students.

The idea is dead simple. You fianchetto your bishop and use one of the Lemos Formula plans to dismantle the center or checkmate the king.

Here is what you’ll learn:

  • Crushing the Queen’s Gambit – White goes for the e4-d4-c4 approach? Excellent. GM Lemos shows how to turn your opponent’s gambit into a double-edged sword, creating a thrilling battle of wits and tactics.
  • King’s Indian 2.0 – Unleash the raw energy of the King’s Indian Defense. Dive into this subline, and discover how to counter White’s aggressive play with a resilient and dynamic approach, setting the stage for an exciting clash of tactics.
  • Queenless Endgames Manual -When the queens are off the board, the subtleties of endgame play come to the forefront. You’ll unravel the secrets to navigating queenless positions with precision, setting you on the path to endgame mastery.
  • Dismantling the Three Pawns Attack – GM Lemos gives you a step-by-step algorithm not only to neutralize White’s attack but also to turn the tables. This approach provides you with the tools to disrupt your opponent’s plans and seize the initiative.
  • Disrupting the ‘Solid Play’ – White chooses to stay solid? Fatal mistake! You’ll learn to maintain your flexibility keeping the game dynamic and seizing tactical opportunities, no matter how defensively your opponent plays.

Before we continue, I must warn you.

This isn’t for everyone.

It is only for rulebreakers.

For those who refuse to react to White’s moves, aim to capture the initiative and win the game… even with Black pieces!


Chapter 1. Introduction & Sublines
Chapter 2. Queen’s Gambit Approach
Chapter 3. King’s Indian Approach I
Chapter 4. King’s Indian Approach II
Chapter 5. Three Pawns Attack
Chapter 6. Solid Approach I
Chapter 7. Solid Approach II
Chapter 8. 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nf3 d6 4.Bc4
Chapter 9. 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nf3 d6 4.Bd3
Chapter 10. Early c6/d5 as Black I
Chapter 11. Early c6/d5 as Black II
Chapter 12. Flexible line 3.Nc3 c6 4.Nf3 d5 5.h3 Nh6
Chapter 13. The Positional Line 4.Nf3 I
Chapter 14. The Positional Line 4.Nf3 II

About the Author:

GM Damian Lemos [2559 FIDE]

GM Lemos is an Argentine chess Grandmaster and a renowned chess coach. He achieved the title of International Master at the age of 15, and Grandmaster at the age of 19. He has won several national and international chess tournaments, including the Argentine Championship in 2014 and the Brazilian Open in 2015.

GM Damian Lemos is also a highly respected chess coach. He has taught thousands of students worldwide through online chess courses and YouTube videos.

Today, Lemos is considered one of the top chess coaches and continues to share his knowledge and expertise with chess players of all levels.