Modern French Defense: Complete Repertoire for Black with IM Kushager Krishnater

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IM Kushager Krishnater has crafted a complete repertoire for Black, centered around the modern lines in French Defense with the highest winning percentage! He's thrown in a bunch of not-so-well-known responses to the usual moves, giving you a serious edge.

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Product Description

Are you the kind of player who doesn’t mind giving up the center on move 1…

Hanging back while your opponent gets a little too bold…

With perfect timing, taking it back, flipping the game on its head with a sharp advantage a few moves later?

If so, I have great news for you.

IM Kushager Krishnater has crafted a complete repertoire for Black, centered around the modern lines in French Defense with the highest winning percentage! He’s thrown in a bunch of not-so-well-known responses to the usual moves, giving you a serious edge.

IM Krishnater’s laying it all out there, nothing is held back.

He’s sharing all his latest novelties and fresh ideas, tailor-made for dynamic and ambitious players!

Here is what you’ll learn:

  • Smashing the King’s Indian Attack – White’s all over this setup because it’s a breeze to get into and opens up some sweet attack moves on the king’s side. Sounds awesome, right? But then, bam, you drop a 3…e5 out of nowhere. Totally rare and super strong. Nobody sees it coming, and just like that, you’ve flipped the script on your opponents.
  • Steamrolling the Mainline 2.d4 – So White’s taken over the center with e4-d4? Excellent! IM Krishnater’s advice? Swap those pawns, mix things up in the center, and you’ve got yourself some easy-to-follow plans that lead to some really smooth middlegames.
  • 2.Nf3 Antidote – Here’s the game plan: take over the center, give those knights a nudge, and set up the pawn triangle. This makes it a real headache for White to find any good moves or go on the offensive. And the best part? We’ve got all our strategies and attack moves ready to roll.
  • Tackling the Advanced Variation – IM Krishnater’s got a straight-up strategy for undermining White’s center with …c4! And Kushager even threw in powerful novelties as a cherry on top. Those should be enough to take down players up to 2400 Elo.
  • Sidelines Game Plan – Your opponent dodges the mainline theory, huh? Awesome! IM Krishnater’s here to hand you a step-by-step guide for taking apart those quirky variations, piece by piece. [Heads up: This is where you’re gonna rack up at least 70% of your wins.]

Wondering if this course is for you?

  • Are you on the hunt for a solid answer to 1.e4 with Black?
  • Want to score wins without rolling the dice too much on risky moves?
  • Are you into securing wins with positional games?

If you’re nodding ‘yes’ to at least 2 of these, then IM Krishnater’s Modern French Defense is your pick!


Chapter 1 2nd move Sidelines
Chapter 2 King’s Indian Attack [Parts I-III]
Chapter 3 The Exchange Variation [Parts I-III]
Chapter 4 Schelechter Variation [Parts I-II]
Chapter 5 Winawer Delayed Exchange Variation [Parts I-II]
Chapter 6 Winawer Advanced Alekhine-Maroczy Gambit & Sidelines [Parts I-II]
Chapter 7 Winawer Advanced-Moscow Variation & Sidelines [Parts I-II]
Chapter 8 Winawer Advanced- Bogolijubov Variation
Chapter 9 Winawer Mainline
Chapter 10 Winawer [Parts I-II]
Chapter 11 The Advanced Variation
Chapter 12 Tarrasch – Euwe Keres Line [Parts I-IV]
Chapter 13 Tarrasch – Chistayakov Defence [Parts I-II]
Chapter 14 Tarrasch – Mainline [Parts I-II]

About the Author:

IM Kushager Krishnater [2411 FIDE]

is a seasoned chess coach from India. For the last 3 years, he’s been guiding chess players of every skill level, from complete beginners to elite Super Grandmasters like Arjun Erigaisi and Vidit Gujarathi. Chatting about chess with folks from all over the spectrum has sharpened his insights on tailoring training to suit various playing strengths. As a coach, he’s all about helping players polish their natural game – whether they lean towards aggressive plays or prefer a more positional approach – while also buffing up any areas where they’re a bit shaky. His trophy cabinet’s got some serious wins like the Asian Youth U-18 Team Gold and an individual Silver in the Asian Youth U-18 Rapid.