Positional Chess Guide for 1400-1800 Elo with IM Filip Pancevski

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Positional Chess Guide for 1400-1800 Elo with IM Filip Pancevski
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IM Filip Pancevski boiled down the 10 most important positional concepts & ideas into a single 10.5-hour training. Next, he added thoroughly explained model games and in-game examples. And shared tested-and-proven techniques & strategies from his own arsenal! Take his course, and positional chess will become second nature to you.

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Product Description

“Positional play is the backbone of successful chess.”

IM Filip Pancevski trained over 100 students in the past decade.

His biggest takeaway?

Positional chess is the quickest way to gain a few hundred rating points. Period.

But only if you focus on the RIGHT things.

IM Filip Pancevski boiled down the 10 most important positional concepts & ideas into a single 10.5-hour training.

Next, he added thoroughly explained model games and in-game examples.

And shared tested-and-proven techniques & strategies from his own arsenal!

Take his course, and positional chess will become second nature to you.

Here is what you’ll learn:

  • Weak Squares Mastery – Unlock the power of weak squares and learn how to identify and exploit them to gain a significant advantage over your opponents.
  • The Blockade Manual – Master the art of positional maneuvering and use blockades to control the flow of the game.
  • Pos-Ex-Sac Algorithm – Grasp the strategic value of exchange sacrifices and learn when and how to employ them effectively in your own games.
  • Opposite Colored Bishop Theory – Delve into the intricacies of opposite-colored bishops and learn how to navigate the strategic complexities that arise from these positions.

Those are just 4 out of 10 KEY positional concepts you’re about to discover!

If your play doesn’t quite translate into over-the-board performance… this course is the missing link you need to unleash your full potential.


Chapter 1. Weak Squares the Basics
Chapter 2. Weak Squares – Typical Mistake in English Opening
Chapter 3. Creating Weak Square by Pawn Sacrifice
Chapter 4. Strong Square – The World Champion Dominates
Chapter 5. Strong Squares – Outsmarting the Young Opponent
Chapter 6. Stong Squares – The Queen in Front of an Isolated Pawn
Chapter 7. Blockade – Kings-Indian Blockade
Chapter 8. Blockade – A play by Analogy
Chapter 9. Blockade – Blockading the Powerful Center
Chapter 10. Typical Bishop Exchange on c6 Creates Double Pawns
Chapter 11. Positional Masterpiece by Karpov
Chapter 12. The Isolated Double Pawns can be Strong
Chapter 13. World Championship Domination
Chapter 14. Playing with an Extra Piece
Chapter 15. Positional Exchange Sacrifice Tigran Petrosian
Chapter 16. Typical Exchange Sacrifice on c3 in the Sicilian Defense
Chapter 17. Positional Exchange Sacrifice in Championship Match
Chapter 18. Opposite Color Bishops – Squeeze Water from a Stone
Chapter 19. Opposite Color Bishops – The King is Not Safe
Chapter 20. Getting a Good Bishop by a Pawn Sacrifice
Chapter 21. The Unusual Exchange
Chapter 22. The Bad French Bishop
Chapter 23. Exploiting the Long Range of the Bishop
Chapter 24. Typical Bishop Advantage Over the Knight
Chapter 25. Bishop Plus Rook – A Great Duo
Chapter 26. An Amazing Study
Chapter 27. The Knight is the Best Piece for a Blockade
Chapter 28. Domination Over the Light Squares
Chapter 29. The Powerful Bishop

About the Author:

IM Filip Pancevski [2523 FIDE]

is an International Master from Macedonia who has two GM norms. Filip won many National youth championships and has represented his country in European and World Youth Championships. IM Pancevski became National Champion 6-times. Since 2009 IM Pancevski has become a member of the National chess team and has played in six European team championships and four chess Olympiads. In 2016 as a chess club member, he won a gold medal in the European Team Championship. Filip began teaching chess in 2013 and has had more than 100 successful students from all around the world.