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Grandmaster’s Thinking Blueprint with GM Misa Pap

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Level Advanced, Intermediate
Running Time 11 hours 18 minutes
Opening Name
Type Of Video Comprehensive
Reviews: 5.00 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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2100 rating? Seriously? Sorry, I can’t promise you…

…that you will break through the 2100 Elo rating in the next 30 days.

That would be absurd.

But I can show you a WAY that can help you do so.

A secret that worked for the top-level grandmasters today…

That worked for the legends of the past and…

That WILL work for the talents of tomorrow.

What is it?

Top-level chess masters understand and know how to intuit in chess.

They feel before they think.

That separates them from the lower-rated players (including a 2100-rated one).

It took years for them to reach where they are…

But we have a SHORTCUT for you today.

What if you could get a seasoned grandmaster who regularly clocks 2600-rated performances in international tournaments and also has coaching experience for 15 years… shares how he feels and thinks during his games?

GM Misa Pap is here with the brand-new course Grandmaster’s Thinking Blueprint today, giving you a rare inside peek inside his mind.

Here’s what you are going to learn:

  • Yet another sacrifice? Misa shows from his own game how he sacrificed one pawn after another just to force his opponent to grab the WRONG squares and give his pieces better activity. A true marvel to watch!
  • All the wrong moves. Giving back material to gain a positional advantage? Exchanging two minor pieces for a rook? Sacrificing a pawn on the other side of the board to grab on the side of the pawn majority? Learn more about Deep Understanding in Chapter 7.
  • Defending under pressure. Lower-rated players crack under pressure. Higher-rated ones don’t. How do they really handle it? Let Misa explain it to you—how he decides in such situations, and how you can do it too.
  • Resourceful against all odds. Squeezing wins out of losses makes grandmasters. When your opponent is landing a crushing blow on your position, can you turn the tables? 4 games analyzed and demonstrated this concept alone.
  • Down in material. A queen and a rook against two rooks and two knights… and still come out flashing “V” with your fingers?! That takes creativity—breaking the rules and all. Guess what, those top-level players do it often. More in Chapter 5.

11.5+ hours of GM-level training on how GMs think.


Chapter 1. Critical position
Chapter 2. Initiative
Chapter 3. Counter-Attack
Chapter 4. Positional Sacrifice
Chapter 5. Improvisation
Chapter 6. Under pressure (Defence – Resilience)
Chapter 7. Deep Understanding

What’s inside?

Grandmaster’s Thinking Blueprint – video course [11 hours 18 mins]

GM Misa Pap is here with the brand-new course Grandmaster’s Thinking Blueprint today, giving you a rare inside peek inside his mind.

Complete set of PGNs

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must-have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important attacking motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. The practical part is an important element of the course.

Meet the Author

GM Misa Pap (FIDE 2521)

Is a self-made Serbian Grandmaster. He is a winner of 16 international tournaments with 2600+ performance, former youth Champion of Yugoslavia and 3-times Champion of Vojvodina. GM Pap is a regular participant of the European Chess League and has over 15 years of coaching experience. He is also a regular contributor to Chess Informant.

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Grandmaster’s Thinking Blueprint with GM Misa Pap


GM Misa Pap is here with the brand-new course Grandmaster’s Thinking Blueprint today, giving you a rare inside peek inside his mind. 11.5+ hours of GM-level training on how GMs think.

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