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Sicilian Defense: Kalashnikov Variation with GM Misa Pap

62% Off
Level Advanced, Intermediate
Running Time 10 hours 25 mins
Opening Name Sicilian Defense
Type Of Video Opening
Reviews: 5.00 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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GM Misa Pap reveals…

Remember the game between Alexander McDonnell and Louis-Charles Mahé de La Bourdonnais in their 1834 London match… where three Black pawns ended up on the second rank and White was forced to resign?

That started with the following move order: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 e5.

That’s the Kalashnikov variation for you.

A whole new system that started when Evgeny Sveshnikov, the godfather of the Sveshnikov Sicilian (4…Nf6 5.Nc3 e5) diverted to 4…e5 and followed it with 5…d6.

Is it any good? Absolutely, without a doubt!

… especially if you LOVE positional chess.

In fact, GM Misa Pap thinks that this is one of those rare openings to learn positional chess – as a beginner or a club-level player.

To make it easier for you, he has also brought in his 10-hour video training on the Sicilian Kalashnikov—where he covers the main ideas behind Black’s setup, the positional opportunities, the dangers lurking behind, and helps you prepare a deep and thorough repertoire for those willing to play the line as Black.

Here’s what you are going to learn:

  • The c4 push early on. How Carlsen, as White, played around his d4-square weakness and made Yifan pay for her weak kingside as Black. (Do pay heed to how Yifan looks after her innate d5-square and d6-pawn weaknesses.)
  • The dicey Alapin. White sure challenges Black’s c5-pawn and also aims for center control. Is it worth it? The White knight can’t go to c3 now! What to do when the Black queen gets harried across the board? Get the answers inside.
  • Rare lines in the Anti-Sicilians. Don’t want to go for the popular Anti-Sicilians such as the Alapin, Moscow, Rossolimo, or the Smith-Morra Gambit? No worries. You learn rare sidelines too, for example, 2.b3.
  • 6.N1c3 blown out of the water! Dubov’s opponent made the mistake of playing 6.N1c3 and fell prey to Black’s a6-b5 pushback. Learn how Dubov pressured White into sacrificing one pawn after another and end up losing the game.
  • White’s 3.Bb5 punished. The move wants to capitalize on the White knight being on g1—and prepare for a kingside expansion with f2-f4. Not so fast, homeboy! See how Black can literally bring the sting out for a quick kill like Aronian in a 2016 match against Luldachev.

The Sicilian Defense is easily one of the hardest openings to master—especially when you are playing an “open” line like the Kalashnikov!

It has a 62.2% win (or draw) rate against White.

But you got to do it right though. That’s where this training will come in handy.


  • Chapter 1. Introduction
  • Chapter 2. Anti-Sicilians, Minor Lines
  • Chapter 3. Smith-Morra (Matulovic) Gambit
  • Chapter 4. Grand-Prix Attack
  • Chapter 5. Closed Sicilian
  • Chapter 6. c3 Sicilian (Alapin Sicilian)
  • Chapter 7. 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bb5 line
  • Chapter 8. Rossolimo – 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 line
  • Chapter 9. Nf3 and Nc3 Move Order
  • Chapter 10. Kalashnikov Sicilian – Rare Lines
  • Chapter 11. 6.c4 Line
  • Chapter 12 6.N1c3 Line
  • Chapter 13. Model games 1
  • Chapter 14. Model games 2

Meet the Author

GM Misa Pap (FIDE 2521)

Is a self-made Serbian Grandmaster. He is a winner of 16 international tournaments with 2600+ performance, former youth Champion of Yugoslavia and 3-times Champion of Vojvodina. GM Pap is a regular participant of the European Chess League and has over 15 years of coaching experience. He is also a regular contributor to Chess Informant.

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Sicilian Defense: Kalashnikov Variation with GM Misa Pap


To make it easier for you, GM Misa Pap brought in his 10-hour video training on the Sicilian Kalashnikov—where he covers the main ideas behind Black’s setup, the positional opportunities, the dangers lurking behind, and helps you prepare a deep and thorough repertoire for those willing to play the line as Black.

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