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The Grandmaster's Opening Lab - GM Smirnov

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Type Of Video Comprehensive, Opening

The Grandmaster’s Opening Lab

This course will allow you to study the really powerful opening repertoire in a convenient and effective way! It will give you a complete opening repertoire on the GM’s level and will make your pre-game preparation extremely effective! There is no guarantee that you will always win, BUT I guarantee Your Maximum Chances For A Win!

In modern chess, computers have made opening preparation a very powerful and even decisive factor. Strong players spend most of their training time on opening analysis. There are serious reasons for doing that. Every chess player can recollect the situation like this:

Your opponent makes a pretty strong move, which is a novelty for you, in the opening. You start feeling nervous and thinking for a long time about a good answer. At the same time, your opponent is calm and confident. Of course, he has already analyzed your possible answers and knows all of them in advance. It makes your problems even more difficult to overcome.

Similar situations to this bring very annoying losses. You understand that have lost not because your opponent was stronger but simply because of your bad opening preparation.

“Do you want to win chess games before they even begin? The strong players are able to do it often! If you want to become one of them, then welcome to the “Grandmaster’s Opening Laboratory”

Certainly, an opening preparation cannot guarantee a win. And I do not recommend you become obsessed with trying to study all the openings. I am absolutely sure that your general understanding of a chess game is a much more important factor. However, an opening preparation will considerably increase your chances of success.

Let me say a few words about different opening materials. There is a huge quantity of different opening materials: opening books, DVDs, video lessons, encyclopedias, etc.

Unfortunately, they don’t help to IMPROVE YOUR RESULTS really.

Why? Let’s clarify what these materials are.

By my own experience (I have studied a lot of different materials), I can conclude that there are 2 main categories of the opening materials:

A collection of a large quantity of opening variations without normal text commentaries. Different opening encyclopedias, informants, etc. are included in this category. The main purpose of such materials is to confuse a chess player and create chaos in his head…By the way, I am not joking really.
The lectures (books, articles) of a strong (or not so strong) chess player. In these lectures, the author usually tells the well-known variations of the given opening with superficial comments. Such lectures can be used for preliminary acquaintance with an opening. But it is only the beginning. It is obviously not enough for serious study.
Sometimes it is possible to find a good book about a concrete opening. It could be useful stuff, but even such books have 2 serious shortcomings:

  • They contain only the well-known variations and games. Nobody wants to share their own analysis, novelties and so on.
  • They contain a lot of unnecessary information. It makes it hard to use it PRACTICALLY.

Let’s say such a book contains 100 pages. Your opening repertoire contains 30 openings (15 for white 15 for black). Thus you have to study, remember and use 3000 pages of the opening variations. 1 lifetime could be too short for that… That’s why it is hard to use such opening materials for a pre-game preparation.

That’s why I’ve created the special opening course “The Grandmaster’s Openings Laboratory”

This course will allow you to study the really powerful opening repertoire in a convenient and effective way!

The practical part of this course was designed not only for studying, but also especially for your pre-game preparation (during the tournaments)l. It will make your pre-games preparation quick and extremely powerful.

“It took the years for me to realize these things. And it took many months to prepare all these materials for you. Now you can study the complete powerful opening repertoire in 1 week!”

  • LESSON #1: Forget about the openings!
  • LESSON #2: After a study of this lesson you will know
  • LESSON #3: The practical description of all the openings
  • LESSON #4: How to learn the openings effectively?
  • LESSON #5: Your powerful opening repertoire.
  • PRACTICUM After a huge practice (as a player and a coach) I have realized which openings work better for different level players. With pride, I want to offer you a COMPLETE POWERFUL OPENING REPERTOIRE on the Grandmaster’s level. You will receive all the materials necessary for learning these openings. Thus, the practical part contains 35 opening lines for your complete opening repertoire. The materials presented for every opening:
  • DATABASE I have already selected all the best lines and have analyzed them. So you will study only the NECESSARY information. Again, you will not learn everything, but only what exactly you need. Using this way, you will study the opening quickly and effectively. All the theory lines contain my text commentaries. These explanations will allow you to understand clearly all the important ideas and plans regarding this opening.

GM Igor Smirnov

Igor Smirnov is a chess Grandmaster, coach, and holder of a Master’s degree in psychology. He’s the founder of the “Remote Chess Academy” company that has helped thousands of students worldwide to improve their results. GM Smirnov has developed lots of chess video lessons, articles, webinars and training courses.

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The Grandmaster’s Opening Lab – GM Smirnov


This course will allow you to study the really powerful opening repertoire in a convenient and effective way! It will give you a complete opening repertoire on the GM`s level and will make your pre-game preparation extremely effective!

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