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GM Damian Lemos
Stuck in the middlegame with no idea what to do next? Losing an endgame up material after being dominated by your opponent? Or confused in the opening after leaving your preparation? If you have ever experienced these, you are not alone. Many beginners struggle to win games because of these simple problems. But what if I told you that these issues could be solved just by understanding the piece activity?

Chess Tips, Articles and Guides to Help You Win Chess Games

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Modern Defense for Black
Yury Markushin
The good news is, that IM Boroljub Zlatanovic has your back with Modern Defense for Black: The upgraded version of King's Indian Defense where Black delays the activation of Nf6.
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Van Geet Opening for White
Yury Markushin
Van Geet was once considered a 'bad' opening... Things changed after Magnus Carlsen started playing Van Geet with great success. It helped him clinch some key victories in blitz & rapid.
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Benko Gambit for Black
Yury Markushin
Tired of positional play? Looking for an active opening, no one is really prepared for? IM Marcin Sieciechowicz's top pick... the Benko Gambit.
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TCW Exclusives
Training Tips
5 Proven Ways to Improve at Chess
Improving at chess has to be one of the most mysterious things in all sports. The training of the mind is not as easily measured as the physical training, for example. While running, lifting weights or swimming will transform you and you will see results in a short amount of time after doing it, it is not that simple with chess. There is one phrase by the great Viktor Korchnoi that can resume this: “Chess you don’t learn, chess you understand”!
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The 5 Whys Method: Analyzing Your Chess
Yury Markushin
Many players want to find the cause of their chess problems but have no idea how to do that. Even when they analyze their games they do not dig deep enough in order to identify the very root of the problem. In today’s article, we will talk about one very famous method that can be applied for finding the problems in one’s game, the Method of Five Whys.  
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Tactics and Calculation Training
GM Alex Colovic
The tactics and calculation training is the most important type of training a chess player can undertake if he or she is serious of his or her chess improvement. The reason for this is that all chess games are decided by tactics. You cannot win if the opponent does not make a mistake – hence you have to take advantage of that mistake. While the mistake can be of various types, from the one-move blunders to a “small” positional detail 4 moves into a line, the mistake is always tactical in its essence. Something was missed and the opponent can take advantage of that miss.
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