Prasanna Kumar - Page 5

Anto is an avid chess player since 2014 and has won multiple prizes in state and FIDE-rated tournaments.

He is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Nuclear Physics from the University of Madras.

He has also worked for Shortcastle, where he built a wide chess curriculum suitable for students of all ages and tested different online chess modules for improvement.

He enjoys analyzing and writing about chess and reading player game collections.

Anto has an Online Rapid rating of 2200, and his favorite player is Robert Fischer.

His long-term goal is to become a Master.

Chess Articles by Prasanna Kumar

En Passant in Chess

enpassant-in-chessEn passant in chess dates back to the age of the first chess evolution. This French phrase translates to “in passing” in chess. It enables a pawn to capture an enemy pawn unconventionally. Chess, in its early form, did not have special moves. Pawns could move freely only one square at a time.

Chess For Beginners: Learn Chess the Easy Way!

Chess is a game where the ideas of two individuals clash. As a beginner begins to learn chess, they have to balance attack and defense and use all the pieces effectively. Chess is also a game of creativity and beauty, where you can create amazing combinations and sacrifices that surprise your opponent. It is a […]

Top 18 Checkmate Patterns: Must-Know Checkmates for Club Players

top 18 checkmating patternsA player learns middlegame and endgame patterns. But it is equally important to learn checkmate patterns as well – especially checkmates for club players. More often than not finishing an attacking game comes down to knowing checkmate patterns. What are the most common patterns you should be aware of and recognize? This post will teach […]

How to Castle in Chess?

how-to-castle-in-chessIn the intricate game of chess, mastering fundamental moves is the key to success on the board. Among these, ‘castling in chess’ stands out as a crucial and strategic maneuver. If you’ve ever wondered, “How to castle in chess?” or thought about the perfect moment to execute this move, you’re in the right place. In […]

Top 10 Things to Learn from Paul Morphy

10 things to learn from paul morphyPaul Morphy, born in June 1837 to a prominent New Orleans family, displayed exceptional chess talent from an early age. Learning from his chess-enthusiast relatives, he embraced early and rapid development as his trademark strategy.

10 Steps to Reach 1800 Elo in Chess

10 steps to 1800 elo chessRatings serve as significant indicators of personal and professional success for chess players. Ranging from 1000 to 2800+, the ultimate goal for many enthusiasts is to achieve an 1800 Elo rating. Surpassing this milestone places a player statistically better than 95% of all others. The pursuit of 1800 Elo is indeed an attainable ambition for […]

15 Best Chess Opening Moves That You Absolutely Must Know

15 best chess opening you must knowThe opening stage sets the foundation for a game of chess. A solid understanding of opening ideas and knowledge is crucial for making the best moves in chess. Many players want to know what is the best move in chess opening. This article explores the 15 Best chess openings that every player should be familiar […]

Queen’s Indian Defense – Complete Guide

Queens Indian Defense Complete GuideQueen’s Indian Defense is named because the queen’s bishop is developed with a queenside fianchetto. The opening was first played by Nimzowitsch in 1914 and it started to gain popularity in the next decade when it was adopted by top leading players of the time like Alekhine, Capablanca, and Bogoljubow.

9 Middlegame Concepts You Must Know

Middlegame concepts rise in importance as a player grows in strength. How a player plays the Middlegame and Endgame directly correlates to their strength as a chess player. But learning the middlegame can be overwhelming as there are infinite possible interactions between the pieces. What we can do is we can break it down into […]

Bishop’s Opening: Complete Guide

bishops openingBishop’s opening (1.e4 e5 2.Bc4) is one of the oldest known starting lines. Luis Ramirez Lucena first mentioned it in a manuscript. Philidor thoroughly examined the Bishop’s Opening, which gained popularity. Philidor preferred 2.Bc4 over 2.Nf3 because it allowed the pawn thrust f2-f4 to gain a spatial advantage and fight for the center with pawns. […]