WGM Raluca Sgîrcea

WGM Raluca Sgîrcea is a Romanian chess player and coach. She was born on 11 July 1989.

Her peak rating was 2302 in October 2014.

She won the European Youth Chess Championship in the U10 girls category in 1999. She became a Woman International Master (WIM) in 2011 and achieved one Woman Grandmaster (WGM) norm. She speaks Romanian, English and Spanish.

Chess Articles by WGM Raluca Sgîrcea

Ruy Lopez Opening – Quick Start Guide

ruy lopez openingThe Ruy Lopez Opening is one of the oldest openings in chess history. Together with the Italian, it is among the most used weapons against 1…e5. Also referred to as the Spanish Opening, we reach it after the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5.

Grand Prix Attack – Quick Start Opening Guide

Grand Prix Attack - Quick Start Opening GuideThe Sicilian is one of the most popular replies for Black to 1.e4 and creating a good repertoire against it is an important step in a player’s development. At a high level, the Open Sicilian (2.Nf3 followed by 3.d4) is often employed and this is probably the reason why a lot of improving players decide […]

10 Best Opening Wins of All Time

10 best opening wins all timeLet’s take a look at my selection of 10 Best Opening Wins of All Time… Chess miniatures are always fun to go over and analyze. They are usually possible only because one side makes a big mistake in the opening, allowing the opponent to take over the initiative. Nevertheless, they promise to be very entertaining […]

7 Best Endgame Wins of All Time

7 best endgames wins of all timeThere are many beautiful endgame wins that are worth studying, where you will come across useful ideas you can use in your own games. In this article, I am going to present only a few that will hopefully inspire you to look deeper into this part of the game.

Top 15 Aggressive Chess Openings You Should Know

15 aggressive chess-openings you should knowIn this article, we are going to look at some of the most aggressive chess openings, for both white and black. The course of a game is oftentimes given by your opening choice. We have many openings in chess and they lead to different types of positions.

Chess Strategy: Complete Guide

chess strategy complete guideChess is a complex game and, to get better at it, you will need to work on its two components – tactics and strategy. When we talk about tactics, we usually talk about something immediate. For example, you can use tactics to punish a mistake your opponent has made in two or three moves.

Scotch Gambit: Complete Guide

scotch gambit complete guideDo you like to attack? Are you an active player who is looking to get into sharp positions right from the start? Or, perhaps, you want to have a good weapon for when you need a win? Then, the Scotch Gambit might be a good option to have in your repertoire. As in any gambit, […]

How to Improve Your Chess Tactics?

how to improve tacticsFrom my personal experience as a coach, many games are lost or won because of ches tactics. Even in the most common and simple endgames, you can find tactical ideas. For this reason, tactical training should be an important part of your training schedule. No matter how bad the position is in a game, a […]

How to Memorize Chess Opening Variations?

how to memorize chess openingsI hope that the 5 tips that will follow the intro will help you memorize chess openings faster. Who doesn’t like a nice, comfortable position after the opening? Who wouldn’t like to catch their opponent unprepared at the beginning of the game and score a short and sweet-win? This, and the advantage of not having […]

10 Reasons to Play Scandinavian Defense for Club Players

scandinavian club playerThe Scandinavian Defense is a highly popular choice for club players and for a good reason. In this article, we are going to take a quick look at some of the advantages of playing this opening. We will also take a quick look at some of the ideas you need to be aware of.
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