Calculation Masterclass with IM Erlend Mikalsen

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Calculation Masterclass with IM Erlend Mikalsen
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In Calculation Masterclass, IM Erlend teaches you his unique calculation philosophy which blends intuition, forcing moves and brute force into a tool for seeing more deeply into chess positions than you ever thought you could. You’ll discover how to instantly spot the critical moments where the calculation is needed, how to calculate precisely when defending against an attack, tactical wizardry and even the 5 most common calculation mistakes.

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Product Description

IM Erlend Mikalsen Reveals…

Unique Calculation Philosophy which Blends Intuition, Forcing Moves and Brute Force into a Tool for Seeing more Deeply into Chess Positions

GM Simen Agdestein is most known for being the powerhouse coach behind World Champion Magnus Carlsen, but what is often lost in the hype around Magnus…

…is that GM Simen has NOT STOPPED since training Magnus.

Another of his powerful chess pupils is Norwegian IM Erlend Mikalsen.

IM Erlend is a highly experienced tournament player and has himself been coaching ambitious players for 8 years already – leading 3 of his pupils to FM strength in a very short time (a couple of years).

What can IM Erlend teach you?

One of the biggest stumbling points for aspiring players is a miscalculation.

How many times have you found yourself saying “Oh! I didn’t see that” or “Yeah, I was doing okay, but missed bishop takes pawn”?

It is SUPER common, and these miscalculations are most likely losing you games.

In Calculation Masterclass, IM Erlend teaches you his unique calculation philosophy which blends intuition, forcing moves and brute force into a tool for seeing more deeply into chess positions than you ever thought you could.

You’ll discover how to instantly spot the critical moments where the calculation is needed, how to calculate precisely when defending against an attack, tactical wizardry and even the 5 most common calculation mistakes.

This stunning course gives you 10 hours of HD video lessons, comprehensive PGN files of all content, and access to the highly useful course practicum.

What’s Inside?

  • How to Rapidly Calculate Passed Pawn Breakthroughs! When pawns start to arrive on your opponent’s half of the board, that’s when the magic happens…IM Erlend trains you to instantly spot the motif and then how to make stunning ideas work in your own games!
  • How to Blend Intuition with Precise Calculation! Kramnik once remarked that “calculation is defensive in nature, while attacking is intuition” – both of these mental tools are vital in chess, IM Erlend assures that your intuition is fine-tuned to find the right ideas, while your calculation can see deeply enough to confirm their accuracy!
  • How to Defend like a Perfect Engine! His pieces are around your king, but the sacrifice smells a bit fishy…so easy to go wrong though! In chapter 12 you’ll discover a powerful method for defending against any kind of attack and most importantly, not blundering!

It’s time to polish this extremely important chess skill to master level!

IM Erlend Mikalsen (2406 FIDE)

is a Norwegian International Master actively working towards obtaining the GM norm. Erlend is an attacking player, making decisions based on intuition and calculation. IM Mikalsen has 8 years of coaching experience. His best performances include winning the Norwegian Junior Championship in 2013.