chess lose - tag

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

We all know that ordinary players blunder. We also recently learned that GMs blunder as well from time to time. What about the Super-GMs? These the the world champions, ex-world champions, and all those with insanely high ELO of 2700 +. Do these guys have blunders? Apparently, they do. Here are a few bright examples:

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

If you play chess regularly, there is a high possibility that you would have to play a game in the lost position. Does not matter how strong or weak chess player you are, you will have to defend the “weak” end of the board one day. There are plenty of information available (in various chess […]