chess traps - tag

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

I have discussed a few famous chess traps previously (Legal Trap, Elephant Trap, Lasker Trap, Mortimer Trap). Today we will continue this topic with less known, but not-less-powerful traps that you can learn from and even use in your own games. Want to win your games quickly using some of those powerful chess traps? Here […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Here is another (last week I covered Elephant’s Trap) good trap to have in your arsenal. It is called Mortimer Trap. It occurs in the one of the most commonly played chess openings called Ruy Lopez. Black plays a passive move with its Knight in order to trick White to accept the pawn which would […]