Tarrasch Defense - tag

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos
WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos
WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Tarrasch Defense is named after the German chess player, Doctor Siegbert Tarrasch, it is considered to be an ambitious, but sound opening. 1.d4 is generally considered as a solid option for white. The center remains closed for a longer time and we expect a long battle ahead. For active players, who prefer complications and are […]

Suman Chatterjee
Suman Chatterjee
Suman Chatterjee

Need an opening that is equally aggressive as positionally sound against White’s 1.d4? Without studying hours of opening theory… as in the Dragon or the Grunfeld? Here’s the Tarrasch Defense for you.