3 Best Games of The Week – 33

Yury Markushin
Category: Opening Theory

This is our first selection for this section. Nakamura showed a very nice opening idea in the semi slav with 5.g3 and put a lot of pressure on black’s position early in the game.

The game is very instructive as it shows the value of development and the compensation for a pawn that white had during the whole game.

Lenderman tried too hard to keep the pawn in all instances and as a result he ended up in a very bad position.


Game 1:


Giri-Harikrishna Norway 2016 – Hraikishna impressed with this victory with black against one of the world’s best players right now. A new idea in the French defense that we are sure is going to gain many followers in the future. The game shows a very interesting strategical battle in which black’s attack against white’s center proved to be too strong.


Game 2:

Nils Grandelius who earned the right to play in the Norway Masters after winning a qualifier, tried to surprise the world champion using an off beat Sicilian.

In this game Carlsen demonstrated why he is one of the best players in history with an intuitive piece sacrifice that gave him a strong initiative but it was hard to figure out all the variations. Once again Carlsen’s intuition was certain, black’s position was very difficult to defend.


Game 3:

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Updated 04.10.2023
