Yury Markushin

Yury Markushin is a co-founder of TheChessWorld, as well as an enthusiastic chess amateur rated just below 2000 USCF.

Yury’s passion for chess is evident in his many contributions to the chess community. In addition to co-founding TheChessWorld and ChessLance, Yury has also written numerous articles on various chess topics. His insights into the game and ability to communicate complex ideas in a clear and concise manner have helped millions of players around the globe.

Outside of chess, Yury is a dedicated husband and father and enjoys spending time with his family. He also has a strong interest in technology and is constantly exploring new ways to use it to improve the chess-playing experience for players around the world.

Chess Articles by Yury Markushin

Sicilian Dragon Secrets – Free Course

Dragon Secrets mini courseGM Jacek Stopa has just finished his monumental work on the most attacking opening in existence. He finally agreed to reveal his entire opening preparation on Sicilian Dragon… holding nothing back!

Modern Defense for Black with IM Boroljub Zlatanovic [TCW Academy]

Modern Defense for BlackThe good news is, that IM Boroljub Zlatanovic has your back with Modern Defense for Black: The upgraded version of King’s Indian Defense where Black delays the activation of Nf6.

Van Geet Opening for White with IM Boroljub Zlatanovic [TCW Academy]

Van Geet Opening for WhiteVan Geet was once considered a ‘bad’ opening… Things changed after Magnus Carlsen started playing Van Geet with great success. It helped him clinch some key victories in blitz & rapid.

3 Ways to Use Psychology to Win More Chess Games

6-ways-to-win-psychologyOpenings. Tactics. Positional Chess. These are all important things, so much so that many young talents and veteran grandmasters spend all of their time studying them. Hours are spent on puzzles, opening courses, and studying master games. And yet, the majority of losses at every level happen not because of preparation, but due to bad […]

3 Must-Know Tips to Not Get Checkmated

3 things to not get checkmatedKing safety is an important concept at every level of the game; even grandmasters will get checkmated occasionally, and beginners even more so. To avoid blundering checkmate or losing by force it is very important to prioritise king safety in your play!

Beat Anyone with Czech Benoni – Free Course

Beat Anyone with Czech BenoniWhat if you take an old and forgotten opening… And rebuild it from the ground up full of fresh ideas, top-notch computer analysis, and effective Grandmaster plans. This is exactly what GM Damian Lemos did in this brand-new Lemos Formula on Czech Benoni.

Play Like Mikhail Tal – Free Course

Play like Mikhail Tal free courseIf you could learn just one chess skill, from one of the best players in the World… what would it be? 9/10 players say attacking chess. Learn how to attack like Mikhail Tal and you won’t need to worry about anything else.

Color-Coding Pawns and Pieces – Free Course

Color-Coding Pawns and Pieces mini courseHave you heard of shortcuts like color-coding paws and pieces, pizza-pawn scale, and aggressive posturing just to name a few?

Benko Gambit for Black with IM Marcin Sieciechowicz [TCW Academy]

Benko Gambit for BlackTired of positional play? Looking for an active opening, no one is really prepared for? IM Marcin Sieciechowicz’s top pick… the Benko Gambit.

Calculation for Tournament Players with IM Marcin Sieciechowicz [TCW Academy]

Calculation for Tournament PlayersIM Marcin Sieciechowicz reveals his 5-elements of calculation strategy that will help you find those hidden moves in your positions.
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