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WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

One of the things that mark our progress in chess is when we start having good results (draws and victories) against stronger opposition. That’s when we feel things are working well and we should continue working in order to become better and better.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Combination is a sequence of moves, initiated by a forcing move or a sacrifice which leaves an opponent with limited number of options. Ability to find tactical combinations is something separating those stronger players from the rest of the field. Grandmasters are capable of finding tactics even in the most tricky positions, when there are […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Every chess player appreciates beautiful combinations, deadly sacrifices and forced checkmates. There is a lot you can learn by simply going over well annotated master’s games. Every game contains tons of ideas, thoughts, tactical motifs and maneuvers. If you master those, you will start applying it in your own games and improve your game in […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Making mistakes is a big part of chess. Chess games are won or lost solely because of mistakes. It is literally impossible to play “perfect game” because evaluation changes as theory progresses. There are different types of mistakes. Some are slight positional inaccuracies and some are serious tactics oversights. The second type usually loses immediately. […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

What is the difference between a chess master and a regular player? Everyone wants to learn the secrets of the masters eventually becoming one. Chess players are constantly looking for a recipe to improve at chess. They focus on things like tactics, endgame mastery, opening theory but fail to address the most important issue – […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

What’s the number one mistake that prevents 95% of players from playing better chess? Is it the way they approach openings or middlegames? Is it how they treat tactical complications or theoretical endgames? It actually goes far beyond that.The No. 1mistakehas to do with the core of chess understanding. Are you making the same mistake? […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

There are billions of different chess moves waiting to be played. If you are a novice player it is hard to always know whether the move you are about to play is a good one. Indeed, it is impossible to suggest a general rule which would allow you to predict how strong the move is […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

There is a lot of chess advice flying around. Some is valuable; some may be useless or even harmful. The problem is most of the times it‘s hard to differentiate which one is which. If advice is coming from a GM or IM does it mean it is always valuable? Will it work for you? […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Winning at chess on under 1800 level is not as hard as it sounds. Outcome of most games is decided by serious mistakes or blunders. If you want to consistently win at his level, there are certain rules you need to follow and skills you should master. You don’t need to have an extraordinary talent, […]

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

In our previous article we have talked about the differences in thinking from 1600 up to 2200 and have given you some advice on what to study in order to improve your rating. However, we are probably safe to say that every chess player wishes to become a Grandmaster someday, so how to do it? […]