London System: Raise Your Elo Rating

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The London System is a versatile and easy-to-learn opening that forces even the most aggressive players into a positional game, making it an excellent choice for those looking to improve their strategic play and overall chess understanding.

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Product Description

Discover the power of the London System in chess openings! These lessons are perfect for players of all levels, as the London System helps you avoid traps and play correctly from the start.

This opening ensures that your pieces develop into strong positions, making them a reliable choice against any opponent. With its solid foundation rooted in the Slav Defense, it neutralizes aggressive players and forces them into a stable positional game.

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, the London System is easy to learn and can be used against various tricky openings. Enhance your chess strategy with our comprehensive course, combining the London System with the 64 endgame principles and the 11 Positional chapters.

The London System is a popular opening known for its effectiveness in neutralizing opponents’ traps. Many chess players do not know how to counter the London System, forcing aggressive players into passive positions.

The course provides a thorough understanding of the London System. Additionally, its simplicity makes it accessible to players of all levels. You’ll learn how to confidently handle tricky openings like 1.b3 with Black, thanks to the flexibility of the London System.

Why This Course Created?

This course was created to provide chess players of all levels with a reliable and solid opening system that helps avoid traps, develop pieces into strong positions, and start the game correctly with good prospects against any opponent.

The London System is a versatile and easy-to-learn opening that forces even the most aggressive players into a positional game, making it an excellent choice for those looking to improve their strategic play and overall chess understanding.

How This Course Will Help Me?

This course will transform your game by providing you with a solid foundation through this versatile and reliable opening.

You will gain a deeper understanding of strategic principles, enabling you to play confidently and avoid pitfalls. As you master the London System, you will see a significant improvement in your chess rating, thanks to the stable positions that make it difficult to lose. Often, you will be playing for two results: the win, naturally, or a draw at worst!

The lessons also emphasize the importance of positional play and endgames, ensuring you are well-prepared for every stage of the game.

Ultimately, this course will boost your confidence, refine your strategic thinking, and unlock your full potential as a chess player.

Here’s What You Are Going to Learn

  • Understand Chess Like a Strong Player
  • Develop Your Chess Thinking System
  • Understand Opening Principles
  • Create a Rock-Solid Opening Repertoire
  • Fantastically Increase Your Chess Rating
  • Develop Rock-Solid Confidence
  • Unleash Your Potential and Become the Chess Player You Were Meant to Be!


Chapter 01 – Understand the London

1. Introduction – Free Sample
2. Understand The London System
3. The Wrong Move Order
4. Critical Traps to Dodge When Playing White
5. Ingenious Traps With White (2.Bf4)
6. Cunning Traps for White (2.Nf3)
7. Jobava London System
8. Comparison to Slav Defense

Chapter 02 – London The Destroyer

9. It’s playable against all sidelines
10. London vs Dutch 3…d6
11. London vs Dutch 3…g6
12. London vs Dutch 3…e6
13. London vs King’s Indian Defense
14. London vs Hedgehog System
15. London and Vaganian Gambit
16. London vs Grunfeld
17. London vs Queen’s Indian Defense
18. London vs Reverse Reti (With both fianchetto)
19. The Most Solid System d5 with early …e6 and without b6
20. With early …e6 and b6
21. Without early …e6
22. The London Endgame
23. Bonus Material Colle Zukertort

About the Authors:

Angelo Kesaris [FIDE 1928]

is a professional chess coach and FIDE National Instructor with 20 years of experience. He started teaching chess in primary schools, organizing lessons in chess clubs, private classes, and online teaching. Kesaris quickly made a name for himself by publishing practical strategies that new players can use to improve their chess.