20 Best Chess Humor Cartoons

20 Best Chess Humor Cartoons

Today we want to present to you 20 best chess humorous cartoons by Andres Guadalupe. They are very funny and clever representation of today’s chess reality that most player would recognize and appreciate.

Today’s topics include World Chess Championship 2014, Magnus Carlsen, Vishy Anand, chess commentators, Japanese chess, chess barbeque, GM at training, deep analyzes, etc. Enjoy!

1. Tiger of Mandras

2. Openings preparation

3. World Championship Match 2014

4. Carlsen – Anand

5. Deep analyzes

6. Secret weapon

7. Wounder-kid

8. Round 4

9. Chess is an expensive game

10. Commentators

11. War

12. Japanese chess

13. Passed pawn

14. Bebev – Veteranov

15. Blunders

16. Chess player’s lunch

17. Grandmaster at training

18. Superman chess

19. Studying the position

20. How to win fast in chess

Images are published on TheChessWorld.com with a permission from the artist.

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Andres Guadalupe official site

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Updated 01.06.2024


John Dellino:
Very nice images! :lol: I like the baby one the most!