27 Most Powerful Quotes and Phrases That Describe Chess

This is a list of 27 most important chess traits represented in form of quotes from the greatest chess players of all times: Kaparov, Fischer, Karpov, Lasker, Tarrasch and many others. To be good at something we need to understand what and how the greatest think about the subject. That applies to chess as well; by exploring minds of greatest chess players it is possible to better understand the nature of this game. Enough philosophy, enjoy the list of quotes about chess!

  • “The laws of Chess do not permit a free choice:
    you have to move whether you like it or not”

    (Emanuel Lasker)
  • “I look one move ahead… the best!”
    (Siegbert Tarrasch)
  • “First-class players lose to second-class players because
    second-class players sometimes play a first-class game”

    (Siegbert Tarrasch)
  • “Weak points or holes in the opponent’s position must
    be occupied by pieces not Pawns”

    (Siegbert Tarrasch)
  • “In Chess, as it is played by masters, chance is practically eliminated”
    (Emanuel Lasker)
  • “The passion for playing Chess is one of the
    most unaccountable in the world”

    (H.G. Wells)
  • “The older I grow, the more I value Pawns”
  • The sign of a great Master is his ability to win
    a won game quickly and painlessly”

    (Irving Chernev)
  • “Those who say they understand Chess, understand nothing”
    (Robert Hubner)
  • “One bad move nullifies forty good ones”
  • “Every Pawn is a potential Queen”
    (James Mason)
  • “I prefer to lose a really good game than to win a bad one”
    (David Levy)
  • “Chess is a terrific way for kids to build self image and self esteem”
    (Saudin Robovic)
  • “When you are lonely, when you feel yourself an alien in the world, play Chess. This will raise your spirits and be your counselor in war”
  • “Pawns: they are the soul of this game, they alone
    form the attack and defense”

  • “Chess is 99 percent tactics”
  • “Chess is war over the board. The object is to crush the opponents mind”
    (Bobby Fischer)
  • “Chess demands total concentration”
    (Bobby Fischer)
  • “Chess is everything: art, science and sport”
    (Anatoly Karpov)
  • “Chess is the art which expresses the science of logic”
    (Mikhail Botvinnik)
  • “A bad plan is better than none at all”
    (Frank Marshall)
  • “Chess is life”
    (Bobby Fischer)
  • “The mistakes are there, waiting to be made”
    (Savielly Tartakower)
  • “Chess is mental torture”
    (Garry Kasparov)
  • “When you see a good move, look for a better one”
    (Emanuel Lasker)
  • “The Pin is mightier than the sword”
    (Fred Reinfeld)
  • “Without error there can be no brilliancy”
    (Emanuel Lasker)

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Updated 01.06.2024


grimur grimsson:
Chess is like boxing. You have to know when to duck and when to punch. Bobby Fischer
Yakkon Damaryam:
'Chess is just like life ,there are no absolute truths'. Mikhail Tal.
This Aristotle quote is totally fake. There was no chess at the time and especially in Greece. I am Greek :)
P. Truong:
I am the fake Sam Sloan.
Danilo Rosa:
Hello,See this quote that defines Chess:http://p4r.com.br/popups/0057/0057.htmThanks.Congratulations for your good site.Danilo.
Invnetion: the smoothest life is based on chess: and it's moves and/or non-moves?
Thank you! I would now go on this blog every day!
Hello,Ugh, I liked! So clear and positively.