Endgame Studies # 9

Category: Problems

The 10th International Solving Contest under the aegis of WFCC took place on Sunday, 26th January, 2014. It was simultaneously held in as many as 34 countries with 488 solvers. Category I was for experienced solvers and Category II for debutants, inexperienced solvers. The first category drew 290 solvers and the second, 198 of them.
The contest consisted of two rounds with six problems each, three direct mates followed by an endgame study, a helpmate and a selfmate exercise.
For each round, the solving time was two hours. The rules & regulations of the event were very strict to ensure a fair contest.
The results were announced some time ago.

Category I:
1) Piotr Murdzia (Poland)
2) Marko Filipovic (Croatia) (shared)
3) Kacper Piorun (Poland) (shared)

Category II:
1) Jeyhun Huseynzada (Azerbaijan)
2) Arie Kozer (Israel)
3) Chris Maes (Belgium)

We have already published a two-mover from the competition.
Here is an endgame study for solving from the same event.
Have a go!

engame study 9

White to play and win

V. Klyukin, 3rdHon. Mention, Vecherni, Kyiv 1965

Courtesy: Thanks, Ms Julia Vysotska, WFCC .

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Updated 04.10.2023


Dear friend,After 1.g7 Black queens with 1...a1=Q or capture the pawn with 1...Qxg7.How would White continue?Try it out.Have a nice week end.
Good evening sir, my move for this end game will be :1.g7 Many thanks to provide solution.
victor santana: