Prasanna Kumar - Page 2

Anto is an avid chess player since 2014 and has won multiple prizes in state and FIDE-rated tournaments.

He is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Nuclear Physics from the University of Madras.

He has also worked for Shortcastle, where he built a wide chess curriculum suitable for students of all ages and tested different online chess modules for improvement.

He enjoys analyzing and writing about chess and reading player game collections.

Anto has an Online Rapid rating of 2200, and his favorite player is Robert Fischer.

His long-term goal is to become a Master.

Chess Articles by Prasanna Kumar

How to Start a Chess Game?

how start chess game?In this article, we will delve into how to start a chess game and learn how a beginner player can start a chess game. Once a player starts their chess journey, one of the first things they must do is learn how to start a chess game. So many moves are available to a player […]

10 Greatest World Championship Chess Games

10 greatest world championship chess gamesThe World Chess Championship is the pinnacle of the chess world. A crown that many players have fought for over the decades. Some of the best chess games ever were played in World Championship matches. The competition has a rich legacy and has had its share of dramas and controversies. However, on the board, the […]

Chess Strategy – Top 8 Concepts to Learn

chess strategy top 8 concepts to learnChess strategy is key to becoming a master of the game. It is an integral part of the game that is set in motion from the first move. Learning chess strategy and applying it prevents us from playing aimlessly and just shuffling pieces around. The strategy helps us to achieve our objectives. With a solid […]

How Chess Game Can End: Learn All 8 Ways

how chess game can endA player new to chess often asks the question how do you win at chess? While the question “How to win at chess?” seems simple, its answer unfolds as we play the game. To win in chess certain conditions need to be met. In the following sections, we discuss the conditions and how you can […]

French Defense: Complete Guide for Both Colors

french defense complete guide both colorsThe French Defense is a vast opening. It has a distinct flair to it that attracts players of all strengths. Some players like Wolfgang Uhlmann are such devout French players that they have played only the French defense throughout their entire career.

Top 10 Things We Can All Learn from Akiba Rubinstein

10 things learn akiba rubinsteinAkiba Rubinstein (1880-1961), a chess giant who learned the game later than most, rose like a meteor through the ranks. Ditching early aspirations to be a Rabbi, he chose to be a chess professional by moving to the vibrant chess hub of Lodz, Poland.

10 Best Gambits for White: Complete Guide

10 best gambits for white complete guideIn this article, we will take a look at the 10 Best Gambits for White. Gambits are fun and an effective surprise weapon. The best gambits for white offer dynamic and exciting play that can catch an unprepared opponent off guard. Since White has the advantage of the first move, Gambits for White are powerful […]

How to Play Middlegames Like a Grandmaster?

how to play middlegame like gmIn this article, you’ll learn how to play middlegames like a Grandmaster. The middle game is a crucial juncture in the flow of a game. It is where ideas are fought fiercely. It is a path that has numerous paths diverging in every possible direction. Some paths are well-trodden whereas others are not.

Alekhine Defense: Complete Guide

alekhine defenseAlekhine Defense is an opening that appeals to the rebellious mind. A mind not afraid to venture into uncharted territories away from the safe lands protected by Steinitzian principles. The opening starts with 1.e4 Nf6!? Whether this is a genius move or a grand bluff, that’s for history to decide.

Chess Master’s Guide to Improve Your Tactics

chess masters guide improve tacticsIn this article, we will present you with a definitive guide in order to improve your tactics. Improving one’s tactics is the most important piece of guidance that a master can give to any player. The use of tactics is an essential component of the game. For a beginner player looking to improve tactics, it […]