Yury Markushin - Page 56

Yury Markushin is a co-founder of TheChessWorld, as well as an enthusiastic chess amateur rated just below 2000 USCF.

Yury’s passion for chess is evident in his many contributions to the chess community. In addition to co-founding TheChessWorld and ChessLance, Yury has also written numerous articles on various chess topics. His insights into the game and ability to communicate complex ideas in a clear and concise manner have helped millions of players around the globe.

Outside of chess, Yury is a dedicated husband and father and enjoys spending time with his family. He also has a strong interest in technology and is constantly exploring new ways to use it to improve the chess-playing experience for players around the world.

Chess Articles by Yury Markushin

About the author – Rossolimo

About The Author of this Chess Lectures Series ~ My name is Asgard Rambaldi, my elo is 2274 (Peak rating 2338), I’m from Never ever land ~ This channel is exclusively about chess.. Meaning that I don’t use it for anything but Creating and Watching chess videos, posting comments, rating and subscribing chess-material I’m playing […]

How Chess Develops the Mind

A lot of people are snatch-and-grab, fast-paced types who love expediency and the thought of cruising to an easy victory. For this demographic, the game of checkers has long been a fun activity. With no in-depth strategy needed, players scream, “King me!” as they jump their opponent’s pieces en route to the boards opposite end. […]

What is Blindfold Chess?

blindfold-chessWhat is blindfold chess (BF)? According to Wikipedia it is a way to play chess, when play is conducted without players having sight of the position of pieces nor physical contact with them. How many times have you been amazed by somebody’s ability to easily and effortlessly calculate long variations during a game or come […]

27 Most Powerful Quotes and Phrases That Describe Chess

This is a list of 27 most important chess traits represented in form of quotes from the greatest chess players of all times: Kaparov, Fischer, Karpov, Lasker, Tarrasch and many others. To be good at something we need to understand what and how the greatest think about the subject. That applies to chess as well; […]

How complex is the game of chess?

What is chess? According to the Oxford dictionary “a board game for two players, the object of which is to put the opponent’s king under a direct attack, leading to checkmate”. In other words chess is a board game in which the main idea is to destroy your opponents army and finally to checkmate the […]

Top 7 Deadly Chess Mistakes Every Novice Player Makes

Here is a list of 7 mistakes most commonly seen on the amateur level. Many chess players just do not realize why they keep losing these games. The answer is simple. These players keep making the same mistakes over and over again, in every single game they play. How many games could have been won […]

All truth about ELO rating system

ELO is the most popular rating system which is used to calculate chess strength of players in FIDE, USCF and the majority of chess federations and online chess websites (like ICC or Yahoo! chess). The higher ELO rating is the stronger a player is. In ELO system, a player moves from one class to another […]

How to Win Chess Games?

Are you just beginning to play chess and want to know why do you keep loosing these games to a player who is not even good? I will give you couple of vital suggestions and tips that will dramatically improve your chess playing strength. Let’s go over the most important concepts. The first stage of […]

Central Squares: Are They Important?

Q. Which of the central squares are more important – d4, d5, e4 or e5?  As a point of reference, let’s say the player is playing White. Can you explain why? A. That depends if you playing so-called light squared game or dark squared game – which basically means what squares you are trying to […]

24 Chess Tips and Tricks You Must Know

24 tips and tricksClub players often seek common tips, rules, and ideas to apply in their games. Having a framework based on general rules is a huge plus in all three phases of chess. That’s where this article comes into play. We have compiled a list of the 24 most important tips and tricks that will help you […]