Training Techniques

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Many chess players ask me the same question, how to improve at chess. There are different options available that can get you where you want to be with your chess. In today’s article, we will look at different training options and will try to figure out which ones make sense and which ones not so […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

According to a famous chess coach Viktor Goncharov, today’s chess training methods have multiple serious flaws. The most significant one is probably the inability of chess coaches (very strong chess players themselves) to understand the difficulties that their students are facing when studying chess.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Many players miss a big opportunity to improve their chess by not properly analyzing their games. In fact, most people simply do not analyze their games at all. They think that instead of spending time on going over their games, they can play a couple more. Instead of learning from mistakes and correcting it, these […]

Sushrutha Reddy
Sushrutha Reddy

I have interviewed a recent winner of the Millionaire Chess U2000 section. Mr. Sushrutha Reddy claimed the first prize of the section and took home an impressive amount of cash, namely $40,000. Not many chess players (even Grandmasters) can tell you that they have ever won that much at a single event. How did he […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Analysis of your own games is extremely important part of self-development process. I’m sure that without a proper evaluation of your own games, deep analysis of critical positions, identification of key mistakes and patterns it is almost impossible to make serious progress as a chess player. It does not mean, however, that the analysis of […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Wilhelm Steinitz was an Austrian-American chess player and the first undisputed world champion. In early years his style of play was rather sharp, aggressive and full of sacrifices. Later he came up with his own scientific theory enunciating principles of chess: both for attack and defence. Today’s article covers 10 of his most important principles […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Recently I had a brief conversation with one of the top internet bullet chess players in the world and I want to share some of the secrets with you. He have played tens of thousands of bullet games (1-2 minutes per game) against the strongest competition. This player have shared his own vision of this […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Recently we have released two articles which talk about chess improvement process is great detail. One reader made a valid point that even though calculation of variations is difficult thing to train, there aren’t many books that actually explain how to train it, or how to find the correct moves. That’s why I decided to […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

According to FIDE there are about 605 million adults who play chess on regular basis (FIDE defines ‘regular’ as weekly, monthly or during past year). It is estimated that 35 million of the world’s chess players are from US, 6 million from UK, 16 million from Germany, 50 million from Russia and 80 million from […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Today I will talk about the 5 very important steps every chess players should take in order to improve their chess. These are the most fundamental training techniques that every chess players needs to do in order to make progress at chess and to get better at chess. I will describe the things you need […]