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Chess Opening Master Guide: Become an Opening Expert in 12 Months

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Chess Opening Master Guide: Become an Opening Expert in 12 Months
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In this chess openings master guide, GM Amanov will fully prepare you on the most common openings you’ll find in tournament play from the intermediate level to the master level.

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Chess Opening Master Guide: Become an Opening Expert in 12 Months

If you are serious about your opening preparation, you probably think that you need to devote a lot of time to study your lines thoroughly, so that you can memorize them very well.

What if I told you that you really don’t need to memorize every single line of the chess openings you like to play, but rather focus on understanding the ideas behind the moves?

In this chess openings master guide, GM Mesgen Amanov will show you how to obtain a perfect understanding of chess openings.

You will know exactly what to do in the opening stage without needing to memorize long variations.

GM Mesgen will make sure you understand all the ideas behind every opening that he recommends.

About the Author:

Mesgen Amanov is a chess grandmaster from Turkmenistan. He is currently the highest-rated player in his country and so far he has represented Turkmenistan in 4 Chess Olympiads.

Grandmaster Mesgen Amanov has been a professional chess player and coach for more than 12 years. Over that time, he has been able to help hundreds of students significantly improve their chess. Many of them have been able to move from chess beginners to experts and masters.

Through his own coaching experience and while working with other top Grandmasters, GM Amanov has developed a Super Pack of chess lessons that represents an optimal program to help you improve your chess skills very quickly.

How is this course going to help me?

One of the most important reasons why you must study chess openings is to understand how and where to develop your pieces. Knowledge is power and chess is no exception.

Many novice players don’t spend time even on basic opening preparation. That’s why the opening is a brand new experience every time. Novice players simply react to whatever their opponent is doing without having their own “pet line”.

In this chess openings master guide, GM Amanov will fully prepare you on the most common openings you’ll find in tournament play from the intermediate level to the master level.

Here’s what’s included in this package:

The Complete 1.d4 Opening Repertoire

GM Mesgen Amanov dedicated 3 months to record a complete 1.d4 chess opening repertoire for White using all the knowledge from his lifetime professional chess career. In this course, he will share with you all the secrets and novelties that he has discovered, and the best up to date opening preparation.

Because of his 15 years of training and coaching experience, GM Amanov knows exactly how to deliver the knowledge to you in a way that you will understand and absorb.

Here’s what he covers:

  • MODULE 1: 1.d4 Against QGD and Nimzo
  • MODULE 2: 1.d4 Against Slav and Semi-Slav
  • MODULE 3: 1.d4 Against KID, Grunfeld,  Benoni, Benko, Budapest
  • BONUS: PGN Files for All Openings Included

1.d4 – Additional Openings

Learn How To Play Against:

  • Dutch Defense
  • Queen’s Gambit Accepted
  • Chigorin Defense
  • Tarrasch Defense
  • Albin Counter Gambit

Opening Repertoire For Black Against 1.c4 and 1.Nf3

  • Introduction – Why We Play Nf6 Against English and Reti
  • English – 1.c4-Nf6 2.Nc3-e5 – Part 1
  • English – 1.c4-Nf6 2.Nc3-e5 – Part 2
  • English or Reti – Slav Setup with Bg4
  • Favorable Slav – 3.Bf4-Qb6!
  • Reti without c4 – Slav Setup with Bg4
  • Reti or English with e3 – Slav Setup with a6
  • Reti – Double Fianchetto – Slav Setup with Bf5

Chess Opening Repertoire For Black:  1…c5 Sicilian Defense

GM Mesgen Amanov recommends 1… c5 as the best defense for Black against 1.e4. That’s the reason why he has released the most up to date chess opening guide for Black based on the Sicilian Defense.

By playing the Sicilian Defense you’re actually not trying to equalize, but rather obtain the initiative from the very beginning of the game. GM Amanov recommends the Najdorf variation since this one was a favorite of many strong players such as Kasparov and Fischer.

Here’s what he will cover:

  • MODULE 1: Sicilian – Najdorf (Main Lines)
  • MODULE 2: Najdorf (Sidelines) and Deviations
  • MODULE 3: Anti-Sicilians
  • BONUS: PGN Files for All Openings Included

1…d5 – Complete Chess Opening Repertoire For Black Against 1.d4

GM Amanov’s teaching method is to make sure that you have a true understanding of all the openings positions, and not just blindly memorize many complicated lines.

The main weapons recommended by Mesgen against 1.d4 are the Slav and Semi-Slav Defense, but he will also show you how to play against the Torre Attack, The London System, and the Colle System.

Here’s what he will cover:

  • MODULE 1: Semi-Slav Defense
  • MODULE 2: Semi-Slav and Slav Defenses
  • MODULE 3: Slav, London, Torre, Colle
  • BONUS: PGN Files for All Openings Included

Upon completion of this course, you will have a true knowledge of your openings, and you will be prepared to play against any opponents that are rated about 200 Elo points above you and obtain comfortable positions from the opening.