5 Hardest Mate-in-2 Ever: Part 2

Yury Markushin
Category: Problems
5 Hardest Mate-in-2 Ever: Part 2

Solving chess tactics is an important part of any chess training program. Today we present a continuation of the first series of 5 Hardest Mate-in-2 Ever that was released previously.

The greatest composers of 20th century created these 5 compositions we are offering you to try. It’s not your typical mate-in-2 problem where you need to find an obvious fork or a mate. Here you need to take a few minutes (hours?) to think how to cooperate the chess pieces in a single, the most effective and deadly way, to… deliver a checkmate in 2 moves. Take your time, don’t move until you see it!

Problem 1: F. Kuscop, “Good Companion”, 1916

white to move and mate in 2

White to move and mate in 2

Problem 2: B. Neill, “Good Companion”, 1918

white to move and mate in 2

White to move and mate in 2

Problem 3: O. Wurzburg, “Pittsburgh Gazette”, 1917

white to move and mate in 2

White to move and mate in 2

Problem 4: F. Janet, “British Chess Magazine”, 1918

white to move and mate in 2

White to move and mate in 2

Problem 5: G. Bernard, “Chess Amateur”, 1918

white to move and mate in 2

White to move and mate in 2

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Updated 09.13.2023


The answers were actually pretty obvious. I don't think they deserve to be considered in the top ten hardest.
Darryl Clemmons:
Goodness guys! There is a mate in two. It is so obvious. I solved all five quickly. Do you want the answers?
Problem 1. Solution:F4 if any piece move from black then Rec4 mate,if Bd4 or Kd4 then Re6 mate,if Kxc6 then Rd4 mate.
Giovanny Lopez:
1.Rta//:ejercicio 1.f4-Ad4+ 2.Te3 ++(1...Rxc6-Td4 ++)
the first problem there is no mate in 2, but I found mate in 3! 1.Rec4+, Ke5 2. f4+, Kf5 3. Bh3 mate
And Bf5 ?
And then Re3 is mate!
1. f4 Bd4+ and isn't mate in two
1# F42# RC23# BE84# BF85# NB8
Rf2+,if Ke7,Nc6#.if Kg5,Qf4#
problem 3 Rf2+ if Kf7,Nc6#, if Kg5, Qf4#
1. f42. Rook c23. Bishop e84. Bishop f85. Qeen d7
chess monster:
This is some seriously hardcore tactics right there..
Dear Dario,The first move prepares and the second move is checkmate.Hope, it clarifies.
I have a question, the mate is in 2 moves o we have to find one situation to make Mate in 2. we have to make more than 2 moves?