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Prasanna Kumar
Prasanna Kumar

Queen is the most powerful piece in chess. In this article, we will take a look at the queen in chess. understand how it functions, what it can do, and what are its weaknesses.

Prasanna Kumar
Prasanna Kumar

How to win at chess? Everyone wants to know the answer. Everybody wants to win at chess. Is there a shortcut to winning in chess? The short answer is ‘No’. But it is possible to maximize our chances of winning. When playing a game of chess we should realize that there are things that we […]

Prasanna Kumar
Prasanna Kumar

Solving chess puzzles helps improve our visualization and calculation abilities. These abilities are especially important when we are attacking the enemy king. Imagine the scenario, you’ve just conducted a brilliant attack and the enemy king is on the verge of checkmate.

Prasanna Kumar
Prasanna Kumar

Learn from Vishy Anand: In the world of chess, exceptional players not only excel in their gameplay but also leave a lasting impression through their distinctive approach, strategic mindset, and innovative ideas. Their remarkable skills, dedication, and passion have inspired and motivated chess enthusiasts for generations. In this article, we will explore one of the […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Want to be in control of your chess games? Want to create opportunities rather than passively reacting to whatever your opponent throws your way? One word. Initiative. That is the single thing you’ll need to be in the driver’s seat. Here are the 5 Steps to Gain Initiative in Chess.

FM Viktor Neustroev
FM Viktor Neustroev

Winning Strategies for Club Players: Dear Chess Friends, I’m sure you know that to become a strong chess player, you should obtain several vital chess skills, such as calculation, tactical vision, visualization, positional understanding, opening knowledge, and others.

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

Imagine if there was a “magic” strategy that lets you win your games… The bad news is… there is no ONE strategy that could do all that (or at least I’m not aware of it). The good news is, there is the next best thing.

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Knowing what you have to do in a position is the key to getting an advantage and even winning your games. Different positions require different approaches. You can’t attack in every position, just as well as you shouldn’t play quietly all the time. It is important to recognize how a position should be played and […]

IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

Why study William Steinitz? One of the most effective ways to study chess is to analyze games of the best players. How do you choose a player to study from? It can be based on what you want to improve in chess. Usually, people recommend learning how to attack from such players as Tal and […]

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Find a Winning Plan: Every chess game is a collection of small plans that players come up with in order to advance their forces and outplay the opponent. Once the home preparation is over, the two players have to prove their understanding of the position on the board.