IM Zaur Tekeyev - Page 5

Zaur Tekeyev is an International Master rated 2425 FIDE. He is an active player, participating in tournaments all over the world.

Zaur has been coaching chess players of different ages and levels for many years.

As a player, he has won multiple tournaments, one of the best results being 1st place in the Moscow Open 2017.

Zaur is also a big online blitz player, with an online rating of over 2800. IM Tekeyev is a chess author and coach.

Chess Articles by IM Zaur Tekeyev

Top 10 Differences Between Club Players’ and Grandmasters’ Thinking

gm-thinkingChess is a complex game that requires a good memory, creativity, patience, and many other qualities. Perhaps, the main demand is the ability to think. For some reason, most of the players never really work on improving their thought processes. Instead, they spend all their time studying openings and solving puzzles. It is still a […]

1.d4 Opening: 10 Reasons to Play It for Attacking Players

10 reasons to play 1d4 d4 attacking1.d4 Opening – everything you must know! Most of the chess players enjoy having the initiative, being the attacking side. It is good but hard to achieve in every game: in some positions, the best you can do is to trade pieces and go into an endgame or play against some positional weaknesses. Those who […]

Caro-Kann Defense: Complete Opening Guide

caro-kann defense complete guideCaro-Kann Defense is one of the most fashionable openings nowadays at the grandmaster and beginner levels. It is a reliable weapon that does not require a lot of memorization and usually leads to calm positional games. The good thing is that it still allows Black to play for a win: the positions are not sharp […]

5 Things About Chess Pieces You Didn’t Know

5 things chess piecesAccording to a legend, Napoleon Bonaparte knew the names of all of his soldiers. I am not sure if this is true or just a myth, but I can assure you that in chess, it is not enough to know the names of the pieces to win. You should also be aware of their best […]

Chess Middlegames: Complete Guide

chess middlegamesChess Middlegames can’t be memorized. Many ways can help improve at chess, but most players tend to prefer studying openings. It is the easiest way indeed: the exact moves you prepare at home are likely to happen in one of your future games. With chess middlegames, it is more complicated. It is impossible to predict […]

Attacking Chess: Complete Guide

attacking-chessThe attack is one of the most beautiful and interesting aspects of chess. It is also a skill that everyone can and should master to improve at chess. Many rules could help with that. First of all, you should always remember the attack has to be energetic and fast. That is why different sacrifices become […]

Dutch Defense: The Complete Guide

dutch defenseDutch Defense is characterized by the moves 1.d4 f5 when Black is using the flank pawn to control the center. It breaks the symmetry and gains space on the kingside. Later, this can provide good attacking chances against the White king. Such an approach usually leads to double-edged positions and is good for playing for […]

Attacking Chess: 10 Ways to Train It

Attacking Chess players have always been admired in the chess world. Their bravery, aggressive play, brilliant combinations, and stunning results have always attracted many fans. Some players have never achieved any significant results over the board but went down in chess history thanks to their outstanding courageous games. Chess is a versatile and beautiful game. […]

Chess Master: How to Learn to Think Like One?

think like chess masterChess Master title might be thought of as something unachievable by many people. It is understandable: they constantly see high-rated players making brilliant decisions, knowing all the possible openings, and seeing tactics in no time. This creates the wrong impression that these masters were too talented initially, making them get to such a level. Of […]

10 Reasons to Learn Endgames in 2021

10 reasons to learn endgames in 2021Many chess players spend most of their training time studying openings. It is logical since you get to play the opening stage in every single game and it makes a huge impact on the following stages. At the same time, one should not forget to study middlegames and endgames as well since poor play in […]