IM Zaur Tekeyev - Page 7

Zaur Tekeyev is an International Master rated 2425 FIDE. He is an active player, participating in tournaments all over the world.

Zaur has been coaching chess players of different ages and levels for many years.

As a player, he has won multiple tournaments, one of the best results being 1st place in the Moscow Open 2017.

Zaur is also a big online blitz player, with an online rating of over 2800. IM Tekeyev is a chess author and coach.

Chess Articles by IM Zaur Tekeyev

Najdorf Sicilian: Why You Should Play It

Najdorf SicilianNajdorf Sicilian is one of the most played opening variations and is popular at all levels. The favorite of Fischer and Kasparov, it usually leads to exciting dynamic positions and suits active players’ styles. In this article we will deep dive into why you should play the Najdorf.

Initiative: 10 Reasons Why You Should Gain It in Your Games

Initiative in chess is important in all stages of the game. It is usually associated with an attack but can be reached even in endgames. In general, one side has the initiative if they can make threats that cannot be ignored. That turns the other side into a defensive mode and doesn’t give them time […]

Alekhine Defense: 10 Reasons to Play It

Alekhine Defense is the most famous example of a provocative opening. Black meets 1.e4 with 1…Nf6, attacking the central pawn on move 1 and inviting it to move farther. It is well-known pawns cannot go backward and hence leave weaknesses behind themselves. Still, it is quite a common scenario when White starts pursuing that knight […]

Accelerated Dragon: 10 Reasons to Play It

accelerated dragonAccelerated Dragon is one of the most aggressive variations of the Sicilian. Black develops their dark-squared bishop to the most active position from where it puts a lot of pressure on White’s center and queenside. It usually leads to sharp and complicated positions where both sides try to launch an attack as quickly as possible.

10 Reasons to Prepare a Surprise Weapon for Your Next Game

The impact that an opening stage makes on the rest of the game is difficult to overestimate. If you get a great position out of the opening, you can defeat even a higher-rated player. On the other hand, if you end up in a worse position after the beginning phase, you might struggle for the […]

10 Best Chess Openings for Beginners

10 best chess openings for beginnersOpenings: When you only start playing chess, it is enough to know only basic opening principles such as controlling the center, developing your pieces, castling early, and so on. After some learning and practicing, you will reach the point where you will start studying opening theory. It will familiarize you with typical plans and ideas, […]

Queen’s Gambit: 10 Reasons to Play It

queens gambitQueen’s Gambit is itself one of the oldest, most played, and respectable openings ever. It was played already by Gioachino Greko back in 1620. Netflix’s “Queen’s Gambit” miniseries boosted the interest of people in chess but had no effect on the popularity of the opening of the same name. As there was no need.

10 Best Chess Players of All Time

10-best-chess-players-of-all-timeMany chess history experts keep arguing whom to consider the best chess player of all time, but we will try to stay away from it. The aim of this article is different. The idea is to familiarize the readers with the greatest chess players and their best games. That’s why I ranked the best chess […]

Andrey Esipenko Beats Magnus Carlsen: Game Analysis

esipenko-beat-magnusThe chess super-tournaments held in a small Dutch town Wijk aan Zee are never boring. The reason lies behind a great composition of the participants. It is a place where the elite players (usually led by the World Champion) face less-known but still dangerous players, sometimes even rated below 2700.

5 Top Chess Principles According to Anatoly Karpov

5 top chess principles by karpovAnatoly Karpov is one of the greatest chess players of all time. He became the 12th World Champion in 1975 and held this title until 1985. In 1993, he became FIDE World Champion and held this title until 1999. He had won over 160 chess tournaments and was one of the most successful and consistent […]