General Information

Suman Chatterjee
Suman Chatterjee

Chess Strategy is what separates a grandmaster from an international master in chess. It’s his level of positional understanding and ability to formulate an accurate strategy on ANY move, in ANY position, and at ANY time. The process is subtle and subliminal—not much on the outside, rather on the inside. If you watch a GM […]

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Bobby Fischer, an icon of our sport, is perhaps one of the most studied chess players. Robert James Fischer called Bobby is famous for his universal playing style, excellent endgame technique, and his great contributions to chess in the form of chess writings, new ideas in a number of openings, and a new variant of […]

IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

Many chess history experts keep arguing whom to consider the best chess player of all time, but we will try to stay away from it. The aim of this article is different. The idea is to familiarize the readers with the greatest chess players and their best games. That’s why I ranked the best chess […]

IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

The chess super-tournaments held in a small Dutch town Wijk aan Zee are never boring. The reason lies behind a great composition of the participants. It is a place where the elite players (usually led by the World Champion) face less-known but still dangerous players, sometimes even rated below 2700.

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Chess puzzles and their solving, seeing many instructive games, and learning typical ideas are very important in this game. As in any other sport, hard training is always the key to improving your level. If you want to become a better player, you need to get your chessboard out, set the pieces, and start training. […]

IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

Anatoly Karpov is one of the greatest chess players of all time. He became the 12th World Champion in 1975 and held this title until 1985. In 1993, he became FIDE World Champion and held this title until 1999. He had won over 160 chess tournaments and was one of the most successful and consistent […]

WGM Raluca Sgircea, IM Renier Castellanos

Mikhail Tal, the eighth World Chess Champion, is well known for his aggressive and imaginative style of play. His ability to take the game into his territory, his unpredictable style, and the impressive tactical ideas he found in his games brought him the nickname “The magician of Riga”. Most of his games are full of […]

IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

Positional chess is often what makes the difference between a strong player and an amateur, although solving tactic exercises is easier than working on positional understanding and that might be the reason why so many people don’t pay enough attention to the latter one. Chess masters can easily spot weaknesses in a position and target […]

IM Zaur Tekeyev
IM Zaur Tekeyev

Grandmaster is not just the highest title in chess; it is also the dream of most chess players. But only the tiniest percentage of them eventually achieves it. How do they do that? Do they know any secrets? Are there any secrets at all? In this article, we will investigate what it takes to become […]

Yury Markushin
Yury Markushin

The calculation is probably the most “sought after” skill that all strong players possess. At the club level calculation becomes even more important, as most games are decided by tactics. And it is no secret that calculation and tactics go hand in hand. Tiny improvement in the calculation allows you to easily leap into the […]